My generation

6 0 0

November, 25th, 2023

A bunch of losers, slaves to tech companies and governors

Get hurt by words as if they've never felt real pain before

Life is a comic tragedy but they just want comfort

Wanna live a romance like a Hollywoodian character

Indeed they think themselves as protagonists of some sort of play

Their minds and spirit in a constant disarray

For there are plenty of places to go

Anxiety strikes hard the more possibilites they have

They gotta be well-informed, well-behaved, well-dressed

In order not to lose social credit points and wither away

Without a laughter.

They're uncapable of understanding humor, irony, sarcasm

They seem to know everything about politics and being a good citizen

But cannot look in the mirror and laugh at their utter hopelessness

Wanna change the world, huh?

The world despises you.

It's been looking forward to wash you away through fire and rain

It doesn't care about your identity, your ideology

Wait and see: your Tower of Bable will fall

And I laugh at us all

For acting out a lie,

For one day we're gonna die

Without having seen the end of our own story.

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