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November, 20th, 2023

I should be doing something else

Says the hive mind of our nation

Everyone's gotten trapped

In meaningless procrastination

I should be doing something else

Says the lonesome mind of the artist

Something that made me feel alive

And not a rat among the smartest —


I need access to my newest account

Forgot the password and think I'll never find it out

I should be doing something else

Says the shadow in the mirror 'cross the room

'Fore it vanished altogether into tedious gloom

I should be doing something else

Says the tired teacher

I should be doing something else

Says the disappointed singer

I should be doing something else

Says the cleaner in the hall

We should be doing something else

Instead of killing us all...

For gold and happiness

I should be doing something else...

Instead of writing this ode to Procrastination

Or spitting on the corpse of our hated nation

I should be writing my goddamn thesis to

finally finish my post-graduation!

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