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November, 16th, 2023

I'd like to stress my contempt for this culture of liars and thieves

I'm sorrounded by vultures seeking to eat what's left of my energies

Linguistically limited, Portuguese is their world

Their language is not theirs but of thieves and wolves.

They've been robbed for years and now lick their robbers' boots

They still divide themselves against one another in stupid groups

Look at them! Talking politics as if they're adults

But they're nothing but traumatized kids who had found a new cult —

Left and Right, the dumbest on Earth

Slaves to smartphones, that's what they are.

In this God's forsaken land they always lower the bar

So we feel a little more intelligent.

But those who realize such limitations say goodbye to this corrupted nation!

— Corrupted people!

— Corrupted culture!

— Corrupted minds!

— Corrupted souls!

Once I craft my own boat I'll never see You again

You devilishameless creature disguised as Man! 

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