Bills, bills, bills!

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November, 21st, 2023

You gotta pay them

What else did you expect me to say?

Born in Brazil?

Born to pay bills.

As the country degenerates in corruption

And bureaucracy

They shove down your throat —


You're not part of it though,

You're actually extremely dangerous to it

Once you dare to open your mouth

You're a public enemy

Shut it!

Just drink your goddamn beer and watch your

f*cking football team struggle through the national league.

Or follow the newest trend and adopt a new pronoun,

Be whatever, but be content

Exchange freedom for safety and just follow them down

The government's always by your side

You demand from the so powerful to recognise your culture 'n identity?

Just feed them more money and you'll be fine

You wanna be recognised, huh?

Well, you've already been —

As a SLAVE. 

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