Chapter 3 - Excursion

Start from the beginning

"Okay." I nodded, content with the plan.


My brothers and I spent a long time shopping! We got to the huge long street that had shops and pop up stands and everything you could think of at around 10am. It was pretty cool due to the sheer amount of shopping places around and how everything was decorated even a little bit for the holidays. It was safe to say, I love Aspen!

We did some shopping and just looked at some cool things this street had to offer until about 12:30 when we sat down for lunch. We all got a decent amount of things.

My favorite thing that I got was a crew neck with Aspen, Colorado and a couple other things printed on it. I, of course, needed to get some souvenirs from my trip so this is a great one! I got some nice winter socks and things like that to keep extra warm but that stuff was boring. Ace and Caleb got some of those things as well.

One of the main things we were looking for on this particular shopping trip, however, was ornaments. We didn't bring any from home and due to the fact that the tree was huge we needed to get a lot of ornaments to cover it all.

We chose some cute and simple plain ones — oh and lights — as just sort of a base for the tree to fill it out so we could add regular ornaments. Then each of us chose a couple different ornaments that were different and super cute to give the tree personality and be less basic.

Some we showed, but each of us got two secret ones that were supposed to be meant for another person. Of course, they were secret because they're a surprise so I'm super excited to see what my brother and his best friend got for me and themselves and what they think of the ones I got for time.

I think mine are great and perfect for them!

We got lunch at this super small sandwich place Caleb had said everyone recommended if you were going to Aspen. It was one of those hole in the wall type places that was sort of a secret but was a great one because it was so amazing. Let me tell you, it did not disappoint!
I got tomato soup with grilled cheese. Caleb and Ace both got different sandwiches with a million things in them. All of us agreed that it was a very good place and we would go back.

"Jodee, hurry up!" Caleb called for me. I looked out from where I was in my room to see him standing on the stairs.

Now, we were back home and getting ready to give away our ornaments. So I quickly rushed up stairs so I could take them out of their tissue paper and what not so I wasn't struggling with that — me being clumsy would definitely drop the ornaments.

"Give me a second!" I called back.

Caleb rolled his eyes, throwing his hand up in the air before I saw him go back down the stair, grumbling something inaudible to my brother.

I rolled my eyes as well, rushing after him. "See! I'm done." I said, holding up my bag and flashing him a dimpled grin.

"Only took you long enough." Caleb bit back, lunging at me, grabbing me around the waist and taking the bag from my hands.

"Hey! You can't look in there!" I feebly argued, attempting and failing to get out of his grasp or at least get my bag back.

Caleb just laughed swinging me around so I screamed and tried to just hold on and forget about my bag.

"You two." Ace's commanding voice broke through the laughter. "Settle."

Caleb put me down after that, handing me my bag and messing up my hair — affectionately. Or at least that's what he thinks affection is.

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