"If it were real, Anubis would claim your soul" The prince taunted his cousin.

"As if, let's not scar our faces," The cousin said.

"Agreed" The prince tries to stab him but the cousin kips up to his feet to dodge and resumes fighting.

It got intense for the Pharaoh and the cousin's mother. They kept going until the prince won. The cousin refused to lose again as he kept trying again until the prince pinned him against the wall roughly.

"I'm like the cat, you're like the bird of Horus. Cats eat birds" The prince taunted.

"Curiosity killed the cat" The cousin taunted back.

"Too bad the bird lost, as I brought my satisfaction back," The prince said.

"Next time I'll be the one to impress the gods," The cousin said in defeat.

"Enough, the winner has been decided" The pharaoh rose.

"I'm tired of winning just to impress you, Father" The prince muttered and left the room since he'd had enough of defeating his cousin.

"Adrien has changed since his mother's passing," The cousin's mother said.

"He's being overly dramatic as always. Just like his mother" The Pharaoh said, nearly embarrassed in front of everyone because of Adrien walking away.

"My sister wasn't always like that," The cousin's sister said.

"Make sure he doesn't get foolish with himself" The pharaoh ordered his nephew.

"Yes, uncle" The cousin nodded.

Adrien hates to impress his father too much just because he likes perfection but Adrien does not want to follow his ancestors' way so he can become pharaoh to make slaves build his statue. Never in a million years. He only wishes to rule fairly and with freedom, not for greed and power his father did to cause misery to the slaves. His mother never wanted this but was forced to follow the laws or get executed.

"Oh Mother, if you have seen how it has come," Adrien said.

"You do know you upset your father again, right?" Felix came into the room.

"Like always" Adrien turns around.

"I don't blame you but you are strong-headed like your mom. I love it you know" Felix said but was startled by the panther growling at the imposter, "Agh! Wrong scent! Wrong scent!" He begged to live.

"Plagg, I'm right here. The real me" Adrien snaps his finger to get the panther's attention.

"Sheesh! Are you sure you like Bastet's children than Anubis' dogs?" Felix asked.

"Of course, cats symbolize birth," Adrien said.

Petting Plagg like a good big kitty he is, cuffing his master with affection, "Good Kitty" He scratched his chin.

"You do know your dad hates felines. Obviously, I know why you don't like jackals because they talk to the dead" Felix hands him grapes.

"Exactly. Anubis is the lord of the underworld and it has the gates for dead people to be judged whether their heart is light, they pass, if it's heavy, they get eaten by a vicious monster. I believe my mother passed because she had a good life with me but never liked to see slaves suffer more" Adrien said, whether a myth or not, the underworld is a scary place for dead people to go to.

"Yeah. Well, my father didn't like me very much. Even after one cobra bit him" Felix said.

"And I bet his heart is already eaten in the afterlife" Adrien looks out the window, "I don't want to be like my father, Felix. The slaves have suffered long enough. Their ancestors and now those today, they never got the chance to have a good life"

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