The Kitchen

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"Nya's avoiding us, isn't she?"

Maya turned to Wu as he entered the kitchen. Bent down low on his staff, Wu looked up to Maya and Ray with a worrying expression.

"She's going through a lot right now, I know," Ray chimed in, setting down the lid of a pot he was using to cook. "But, she hasn't talked to us. Hasn't even made eye contact."

Wu stayed silent, looking off to the side. Maya and Ray knew this expression well, he was mulling over something, deciding what to say.

Deciding what to say if he knew details they don't.

"You said it yourself, Ray," An exasperated sigh escaped Wu's throat, raspy and withered. The sped up aging was obvious, and even the wobble of Wu's walking stick showed his more fragile state. "She's going through a lot."

Immediately Maya felt guilty for asking him, but she wanted to press on.

"What happened to her hair?" The question from Ray made Wu soften a bit. That's good, an easy question.

"Got cut by one of the soldiers," Wu chuckled, walking over to observe what the couple was cooking. "Reminds you of when she was younger, doesn't it?"

"Perhaps it needs a bit of straightening," Maya and Wu smiled at each other. "Otherwise, I suppose those snakes are quite good at hair."

"Well, whatever you're making smells quite good," A tap echoed on the floor of the kitchen as Wu turned away from the couple. "I do need to check up on some of the ninja. I will see you soon."

As Wu turned away, Ray and Maya looked at each other. They were losing their chance. For someone who was clearly tired and in pain, he was very hurriedly moving along.

"Wu, wait. Slow down," The tapping stopped as Maya grabbed's Wu's shoulder. He turned to her with tired eyes. "What do you know?"

There was a deafening silence as Wu looked at Maya. He glanced at Ray, who was also waiting.

"I'll tell you what I've told Nya," The master gently removed Maya's hand from his shoulder and held it. "You know of Krux and Acronix's cruelty. Their tricks. They do anything to get under your skin- whether it's with knives or with lies."

"What have they done?" Ray came over, gently taking his wife's hand.

Wu looked down again, inhaling.

"I only have my theories. Until they are confirmed, I will not say," Maya's brow furrowed at his words. Why not? "But know that the past is a dangerous place to live in. You cannot control what has already happened, no matter how hard you try. I would know."

"Wu what the fuck does that mean." Both Maya and Ray were tired at this point. Could Wu cut the bullshit for one second.

"I'm afraid that this time, you will have to figure it out." Wu let go of Maya's hand with a mournful look, turning away and finally walking out.

The couple, however, was not feeling very downtrodden right now. They were just annoyed. 

"He's feeling helpful," Maya mumbled, turning back to the counter of the kitchen with a grimace. "What the hell does that mean?"

"You know Wu, he's going to get more vague when the situation is worse," Ray rubbed Maya's back, leaning his head on her shoulder. "And we can wait to approach Nya, it seems like she needs more time."

"I know, I know," Maya sighed, leaning back onto Ray. He kissed her cheek, making Maya smirk. "It doesn't stop me from being worried."

"Ms and Mr Smith?"

Quickly, both pivoted their gaze to the entryway of the kitchen. Standing there, quite awkwardly, was Jay with his hand clapped over his eyes.

"Hello Jay," The sight of the boy made both Ray and Maya suppress their laughter. "Don't worry, you weren't interrupting anything."

Jay nervously took his hand away from his face, looking relived when the couple were both just waiting for him.

"The others were, uh, wondering when you'd be done," He looked over at the pots on the stove. "They're a little hungry for- whatever you're making."

"Curry, and it'll only be another minute." Maya smiled and opened the pan again, revealing to Jay that was indeed what was cooking. "You and the others can go set the table if you wish."

"Oh, good!" The ninja skidded around the corner. The couple heard him yelling for Nya and Cole to grab some plates.

The boy was sweet, Maya had to admit. Since he had started dating Nya, he'd treated her well. Sure, Jay had a tendency to trip over his feet, make corny jokes, and get a little too into video games, but it was obvious that he did care about their daughter.

"I like him," Maya turned to Ray, who was pouring rice into bowls. "I think I can trust him."

"I mean, it's obvious he's too in love to do anything bad," Ray admitted, but he turned to Maya with a smirk. "I still think that Skylor girl was a better choice."

"Oh you just liked that she was interested in blacksmithing," A spicy smell floated through the room as Maya poured curry into the bowls. "And that she could beat you in hand-to-hand."

"I respect the strength, her and Nya are good sparring partners," The clicking of the stove burner echoed as Ray adjusted the dial, raising an eyebrow. "And they still hang out every Friday, there's a chance-"

"Don't rush our daughter out of her relationship!" Maya fake gasped, pretending to faint into his arms.

"I'm not rushing," Ray spun Maya around, putting his hands on her hips. "I know she'll take her time to find the right person- like we did."

Both laughed, kissing in the kitchen as the curry cooled on the counter. As the two embraced, they almost forgot about the fresh betrayal, their old losses, their current conflict. Right now, they were together, and the ninja were celebrating their recent victory.

Almost forgot.

A very loud crash broke the perfect silence, snapping both Ray and Maya away from each other. The couple immediately dashed out of the kitchen, running to the living room.

The now very ninja-less living room.

Shouting and clashing of metal was heard just outside. The familiar battle cries of the ninja let both know exactly what was happening.

Without a second thought, Maya and Ray reached into a nearby box at the corner of the room. They both yanked out swords, pushing open the door and charging outside.

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