The Unwelcome Guest

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When the monastery finally came into the sight of the Bounty, the ninja rushed to the side of the ship to see what was going on. Nya scanned the courtyard, attempting to spot Wu, but he was nowhere to be seen. The only noticeable details were significant damage all over the courtyard- and a figure walking below them.

The figure's head snapped up as the Bounty slowly descended above them. They were dressed quite strangely- in a green hood and red armor with silver details. Even with the distance between the ninja and this stranger, Nya immediately recognized they were dressed too flashy to be any regular standbyer. Most telling, however, was the green, glowing... claw? On their hand.

"I'm going down to talk to them." Jay announced, flipping up his hood and leaping off the bounty, onto the ladder.

The ninja watched as Jay dropped onto the courtyard ground, sparking a conversation with the figure. The stranger seemed a bit taken aback, but appeared to play along. Jay and the figure spoke, and they began circling each other, as if to tell if the other was a threat. Nya couldn't hear what they were saying, but from Jay's tone it sounded like the tension was very present.

PIXAL spoke from the speaker on Zane "I have identified the stranger- his armor and hood match that of one of the brothers from the painting in the museum- the Time Twins- specifically Acronix."

The ninja looked at each other in silence. Nya furrowed her brow. Was PIXAL serious? Dr. Saunders had said that it was just a fairytale, there was no way the man down there was a Time elemental. He wasn't even making any big moves besides the big green claw thing.

Almost like reading her thoughts, suddenly Jay whipped the nunchucks from his back. The figure, in response, also donned a defensive position.

"I think that's our cue." Lloyd nodded at the other ninja and swung himself over the banister.

Nya launched herself off the Bounty, using spinjitsu to quickly cushion the fall before she broke both her legs. Nya drew her swords from behind her, surrounding Acronix like the other ninja. 

"What's this, the next generation of elemental heroes?" Acronix said. His voice was mocking and a bit scratchy- like he hadn't spoken for years. 

Getting a closer look- Nya could see a giant clock sigil on their armor. If there was any doubt about the identity of their new guest being a "Time Twin", the giant clock on their armor was certainly a giveaway.

"Got a problem with that?" Lloyd stepped forwards, his hand starting to glow green. "We're happy to take your complaint."

Acronix cocked his head and scanned over the ninja- as if assessing the group in front of him. His eyes landed back on Jay however.

"You wouldn't happen to be... Libby's boy, would you?" Acronix asked. The question sounded earnest at first, but once Nya saw Jay's reaction, she realized what he was trying to do.

"You knew my mom?" Jay suddenly perked up, and Nya could feel the smile spreading across Acronix's face.

"Good woman, nice heart." Acronix began slowly drawing his foot back. "A little dim though, let's see if you got those genes."

Acronix lunged at Jay, swinging his claw forward. Lloyd quickly moved into action, managing to get his arm around Acronix's leg and using the momentum to swing him right back around .

Acronix quickly caught his fall and launched at the ninja again, this time after Lloyd. Acronix landed a kick to his stomach, but Cole sprung into action, swinging at Acronix's head with his hammer. However, Acronix slid just as it hit, quickly picking himself up and taking out Cole's leg with a kick.

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