A Son

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Kai tapped his pencil on the surface of the blueprints. The designs had all been finalized, but checking again couldn't hurt, right? Especially since Dad had been checking his watch more frequently, bothering Kai more about training and planning, and fussing over those stupid snake eggs. Time was ticking, and he couldn't afford to make mistakes. Kai looked around his workshop, a flame burned in the furnace and failed weapon prototypes were scattered across the floor. Kai pulled off one of his work gloves and leaned back in his chair

He scratched at his hand, feeling the rough skin that covered his entire hand. It was a wonder Kai could still smith as well as he did with these hands- he couldn't even feel the paper with how fried they were. That was also an upside, however- Kai hadn't even felt pain when he slammed his hand in a drawer last week. But he had been warned that this was the cost to his power.

A small blue flame suddenly started at the tip of his index finger. Kai watched it dance for a second, before suddenly the sound of footsteps hit his ears.

Quickly the fire extinguished, and Kai slipped back on the glove and bent down to the blueprints again, attempting to look as busy as he could as he heard the door swing open. 

"Kai." He straightened up as his father entered the shop.

"Dad. How was the museum cleanup?" Kai turned around, facing his dad.

"What are you doing?" His father stepped closer, leaning over Kai's shoulder.

"Just checking the blueprints. Making sure everything is in order." Kai put down the pencil and straightened out the blueprints. His dad reached down to pick up the prints, making Kai flinch. His father examined the prints, running his fingers through his gray hair,

"Good. I'll make copies of this." His father rolled it up, glancing at Kai.

"Is there anything else you need me to do?" Kai began to stand up.

"Go train. And maybe brush out that hair of yours- you look like your uncle." His dad waved his hand and headed towards the door as Kai's hand instinctively shot up to his head.

"Of course, father." Kai began to turn around, but his father stopped in the doorway.

"And for future reference," He faced Kai, "It will be just 'Krux' or 'Sir', general."

"Yes, sir." Kai nodded as the door shut. He turned back towards his desk and sighed.

Back to training.

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