The First Mission

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Kai took off his sunglasses, ducking behind the alleyway next to the Borg store. He rubbed his forehead, filled with embarrassment. The plan was simply to lead the snakes to the ninja and maybe make a little scene, distract them, but instead he had tripped over a random pothole and fell right into the Water master. And he didn't even say anything! Just pointed and ran. The ninja were still fighting the snakes right outside. Kai threw off his hoodie disguise, revealing his armor. His helmet sat behind a box in the alley, along with his sword.

"Trip over your feet out there, General?" Kai swiveled around to see his uncle and father standing at the end of the alley. Acronix smirked at him, holding up the forward time blade."Did you get stage fright?"

"There was a pothole." Krux's expression made Kai slip into a mumble. There was an obvious tint of disappointment on his face, but still he cracked a smile, slightly amused. "I won't do it again."

"Good," Krux looked behind Kai, at the chaos in the streets behind them. "Our target may be here soon. Get into position." 

Krux tossed the forward time blade to Kai, he caught it and tucked in onto his hand. He felt a surge of power the minute it touched him, but Kai resisted the urge to immediately sprint with the speed-up from the blade. Kai backed up in the corner of the alley, Acronix and Krux stood at the other end, waiting. 

And just like clockwork, the scraping of wheels was heard in the alley.

The white ninja ran into the alley, pushing Cyrus Borg in his wheelchair. Not human, but Kai could still work with it.

Nindroids were an interesting subject. Krux hated them, thought they were abominations. Human life should never be replicated in machines. However, since it happens the master of ice was a nindroid, Kai was taught a little about how to take them down.

"Why are those... things after me?" Cyrus's voice was panicked, turning back to face the white ninja.

"I'm not quite sure," The ninja threw his hood down, looking around the alleyway. Kai silently stepped behind him, clenching his fist and feeling the power of the time blade surge through him. "I think we are safe n-"

In a flash, Kai rushed towards the master of ice. The hit of his sword came down right onto the back of the nindroid's neck, exposing an openable panel. They yelped, whipping around. Kai tightened his grip on the sword, feeling it heat up in his hand. He swung at the ninja, blurring towards him with the power of the blade, but they backed up and dodged, Kai's sword leaving scorched slash marks on the wall. The ninja tried to steady himself, reaching for a weapon. But before he could, Cyrus Borg yelled.

The nindroid turned, spotting Acronix and Krux grabbing ahold of Cyrus's wheelchair.

Kai took his chance. With one last burst of energy from the time blade, he lunged for the ninja. In a flash the exposed panel was pulled open and Kai reached inside. He grabbed the exposed wires, heated it up until he could feel it melt in his hand, and then ripping it out. The nindroid's scream cut out as they fell onto the ground, hitting the floor with a clatter.

"Zane! Shit!" Cyrus Borg's eyes widened with terror, looking up at Kai. Cyrus reached into his pocket slowly, pulling some kind of phone out, but Krux caught his hand.

"Calling for help? Can't have that," Krux tossed the phone to Kai. Kai closed his hand around the phone, melting it in his hand. A look of horror spread on Cyrus's face as he watched his creation turn into liquid and disconnected metal parts in Kai's hand. "Kai, time blade."

He walked over to Krux, handing over the time blade. His father slipped on the time blade, getting ready to fast forward all of them to the museum.

In the corner of Kai's eye, he saw as Cyrus suddenly take a huge breath. He was about to scream. Kai took off his helmet, untying his hair. Quickly, he wrapped his hair ribbon around Cyrus's head, covering his mouth. Cyrus attempted to yell, but he couldn't make much sound now.

"Thank you," Kai stood back up and put his helmet back on, meeting Krux's gaze. He looked impressed. "Quick thinking."

Kai turned around for a second to hide the beaming smile spreading on his face. He looked at the unconscious- was that the right term?- nindroid.

Zane was his name, right? Kai kicked him, rolling his head in the other direction. Zane. His very first victory. Not much of a challenge, though. 

"Kai. It's time to go." Krux called out to Kai, and he turned around, standing near his uncle. And within the minute, Kai and his family walked back to the museum- with the help of the time blade of course.

Acronix and Krux wheeled Cyrus to wherever he was needed, and Kai remained in the museum area.

The museum was closed, so Kai wasn't in danger of being stared at while in full armor. Once he heard his father and uncle disappear into the lab, Kai had took off his helmet and held down a happy scream.

There was pride now filling Kai. Finally he was showing his father that all of his training had paid off. 

Of course, it wasn't a large victory, but Kai just couldn't stop thinking of the impressed look on Krux's face. He had almost never seen his father look that impressed- at least not to anything he'd done. Kai bounced on his heel a bit. It wasn't very refined of him, but he couldn't help it. Finally! The time of Krux being disappointed in him would be over. 

Well, hopefully. He sank down a little, calming down a bit now. He couldn't get over his head with power. He still had awhile to go.

As Kai paced across the museum floor, he caught his own reflection in a shiny artifact in the exhibit. 

In the shine of the artifact, Kai stared at his own face and was once again reminded that it wasn't time to celebrate. That he still had to be careful. 

Stretching across the left side of Kai's face was a huge burn. It was obviously old, but as Kai reached up to touch it, it had the same texture as his hands. Rough and jagged, or at least it would be if Kai could still feel with his hands. The scar was always there as a reminder to stay in line, which is why Kai didn't like looking at it. But I guess it was necessary right now. Get over his head and that happens.

Looking at his own reflection wasn't exactly a hobby of Kai's. Because of the scar, Kai's left eye was also heavily damaged. It was a weakness, he was half blind in that eye. Kai made a mental reminder to make sure to guard the other eye. Other than all that, there was a smaller burn on Kai's lip. 

That one didn't have much significance, he had accidentally sliced himself with a hot sword around a year ago. Kai still remembered the earful he got from Krux. He didn't get any bandages for a few days as punishment for the slip-up.

Kai turned away from the artifact. Inhaling and composing himself. There would be no slip ups this time. No more scars or damaged eyes, he would prove that to his father. And he would show his uncle just how powerful he was.

There was work to be done.

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