The Change of Plans

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Nya leaned on Jay as they exited the museum. He rubbed her shoulder and looked over, frowning.

"Are you sure you're okay? We can just, take a nap when we get back to the monastery. Or play some video games?" Jay smiled hopefully, but Nya shook her head and stood up straight. 

"Sorry, my parents need my help," Nya rubbed her eyes, but tried her best to not look tired. "Maybe tomorrow."

Suddenly they heard a yelp from behind them. Nya and Jay whipped themselves around to see Lloyd clutching his hand as Cole apologized profusely.

"I was going in for a high five, dude!" Lloyd groaned, weakly moving his fingers.

"I did high five you," Cole retorted "Just, harder than expected."

"Lloyd? You okay?" Nya raised her eyebrow as he walked over to her. 

"Yeah. We have to get Cole a way to finally control his brand-new arms though." Lloyd glared over at Cole, who sighed. Zane sympathetically patted him on the back.

The group turned back, chatting as they resumed walking towards the monastery. But before they even got across the street, Nya suddenly felt an odd feeling wash over her.

It was like a sudden wave of energy. Nya felt her heart go faster. The moments around her became a blur, but she could feel her legs moving- but it felt like she was floating.

She was walking across the street right? Or was it the bridge to the bounty? Suddenly Nya's mind straightened. She blinked, feet on wooden planks, surrounded by her extremely confused family.

How did she get onto the Bounty?

"We were- what- huh?" Jay looked around, just as puzzled as the rest of them, his eyes catching on the sail of the Bounty, realizing where they were.

"We were just leaving the museum, correct? How are we..." Zane squinted his eyes, which Nya had come to recognize as evaluating his data. "How are we up here?"

Lloyd rubbed his head and checked his feet, as if making sure he was still on the Bounty "it's like... time moved forward."

"My sensors have just adjusted." Zane blinked as if just comprehending the situation. "It appears I've picked up a giant energy displacem-"

Before his sentence could finish, the loud blaring of the Bounty's alarm rang throughout the ship. The ninja immediately clamped their hands over their ears, Zane even falling to his knee to the ground with surprise. 

Nya stumbled to the control room with her hands still clamped shut on the side of her head. She managed to make it into the cockpit, letting go of her ears and hitting the buttons to stop the alarm. She slumped against the control board, ears ringing as the rest of the team caught up with here in the cockpit. 

"Energy displacement is right." Cole heaved, breathless. He winced at the sound of Zane's loud footsteps behind him. "What the hell was that?"

Jay turned to Zane, eyebrows creasing in concern. "Any read on it, buddy?"

Zane turned towards the screen of the Bounty. "It appears to be a burst of temporal energy, incredibly powerful. Similar to elemental energy. It is not confined to the rules of regular reality. And it appears this one, speeded up time."

"That's impossible." Lloyd immediately said, shaking his head. "Time manipulation? That would take like- the First Spinjitsu Master to pull off."

Nya and Jay looked at each other knowingly. It wasn't IMPOSSIBLE, but there wasn't a Djinn here to cause them to suddenly shorten a trip to the Bounty.

"It should be possible to track that kind of energy, right?" Jay looked at Zane, and then back at Nya with a hopeful glance.

"Something that powerful? There's got to be a source." Nya turned back towards the controls and motioned towards Zane, who stepped over to help.

After a few minutes, Nya and Zane managed to pinpoint the source of the energy burst.

"There. It's the..." Nya squinted when she realized the location. "The monastery?"

Suddenly Lloyd's head snapped to the map with worry in his eyes. 

"What's wrong?" Cole seemed to pick up on Lloyd's concern as well.

"Before we left, Master Wu said that he was heading to the Monastery to handle a... meeting," Lloyd looked at the group, as they picked up on what he was about to say. "He went alone."

"Goddammit" Jay mumbled in frustration.

"I'm setting the coordinates in now." Zane quickly began setting the location for the Bounty.

Nya felt her tiredness begin to set back in as the adrenaline rush began to fizzle out. However, the one thing she couldn't shake was the pit in her stomach. What the hell were they going to meet out there?

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