The Redirection

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So far, Nya had been to the city, to a power plant, and now to an amusement park.

She was very, very tired.

And now here Nya stood, back to back with Lloyd, fighting more snake soldiers. In the very amusement park.

"These things tried to take Zane- and my equipment," Nya shouted at Lloyd as she blasted a soldier against a nearby food stand, it collapsing into a puddle of snakes and water. "I think they're after metal!"

"Yeah," Lloyd used spinjitsu to knock out another snake. "No offense, but we all kinda knew."

"Sorry!," Gravel swirled around Nya's feet as she dug her heels into the ground, focusing on using water to keep the collapsed soldiers peeled apart. "I've been a bit distracted."

"Oh, this is probably a bad time, but," Lloyd turned a little bit to make eye contact with Nya, firing a bright green energy ball into a soldier. "I kinda... askedyourmomwhyshehadbeensoprotectiveofyouasachildandfoundoutaboutKai."

"What?," Nya yelled back, swiftly swiveling and slamming apart a soldier that was heading for Lloyd apart with a wave of water. She could only make out the word Kai. "What the hell did you do?"

"Never mind!," Quickly Lloyd backtracked, beginning to fight a soldier farther away. He was obviously trying to get away from Nya. "It's a bad time!"

He mentioned Kai. Did Lloyd... learn about Kai? How? Did Maya actually... tell him? Did Wu tell him? Why was Nya so worried?

A snake soldier jamming its sword hilt into Nya snapped her out of her thoughts.

As the water ninja once again locked in battle with the snake soldiers, she heard the sound of loud scraping from her left. Turning her head, Nya saw the rollercoaster. Cole, Zane, and a soldier  stood on the tracks as a coaster sped towards them. Zane seemed to be trying to... fix his hand? Nya couldn't quite make it out. What she could see was the soldier, who jumped right off the tracks. Then, it was swiftly followed by Cole. Right as the coaster approached Zane, he managed to make out a blast of ice, redirecting the vehicle off the tracks and safely onto the ground. But now there was a coaster sliding on a path of ice, heading straight towards her.

Nya slid into action, slamming the soldier away as she ran to the oncoming coaster. She felt the melted water around the ice as Nya raised her hands upwards, directed the droplets to swirl around the vehicle. They formed a water barricade, softly stopping the runaway coaster. A relieved sigh came from the cart, and Nya saw that there were 2 little kids inside. Once it finally stopped, Nya released the water barricade.

"You two okay?," Nya smiled, helping lift the kids out of the cart. The two kids nodded, and one of them hugged her in gratitude. "Well thank you. But it's time to get out now, head towards the entrance and get out of here."

As the kids ran away, Nya suddenly realized that there was only one ninja she hadn't seen this whole time.

Where the hell was Jay?

The sound of scraping came from the ice path. Nya looked up to see Zane sliding down the path, holding his arm.

"Quick thinking," She stared at Zane as he approached. The ninja had oil dripping from his elbow, and it stained his silver robes. "What happened to your elbow?"

"A soldier attacked me up on the tracks," Zane explained as Nya gently held his arm, examining it. She moved away his sleeve to try and see the damage closer, noticed a scorched hole in fabric. "It impaled my arm with it's sword."

"How?," Nya furrowed her brow, examining the wound. It looked like the sword had managed to land right in the middle of Zane's joint connectors, leaving a gaping hole of burned metal. "This couldn't have been made with a normal sword."

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