Chapter 30 - Jeagerists

Start from the beginning

When the carts stopped once again and they were man-handled out, Leah realised they were back at the Military Base. "Take the rest of them to the holding cells downstairs. You four and Hange with me."

The hands grasping Leah attempted to move her, but she planted her feet and fought back. "Quit being difficult." The soldier snapped from behind her, kicking her in the calve. Her leg held strong, and she strained against this hands, trying to shrug him off.

Floch let out an exhasperated groan, "I knew you'd be trouble, Captain Leah. If only you were more like Erwin and knew when to accept defeat." He knew the effect his remarks about Erwin had on the woman, but today she wasn't in the mood. She set her jaw and threw her head back into the face of her captor. A satisfying crack filled the air, as the man yelped and let go of Leah's frame. The Captain charged forward to Floch, skidding to a stop before him just as his pistol met her temple. All the guns around them were trained on Leah.

"Another move, Captain, and all your friends here will get to see your brains decorating the cobbles."

Leah's breaths came in intense inhales through her gritted teeth as she seethed at the male, "Take me with you." His eyes narrowed, trying to figure out her use to him. "I know where Zeke is too. And I'll cooperate. I- I just want to know that Levi's okay." The last sentence slipped from her lips, a fleeting moment of weakness that caused Floch to smirk. The sincerity that twinkled in her eyes confirmed to Floch she was being honest.

He lowered his gun, tutting and shaking his head. "I always knew he'd end up being your weakness, Captain. It's a shame you didn't die in Erwin's place that day. He'd be far more useful." The two shared one final look, both of their eyes filled with loathing.

"Someone grab her. She's coming with us too."

Through the main doors, they were guided up multiple flights of stairs until the came out onto a balcony where Commandant Shadis was addressing their current training corps. The youngsters lined before them had eyes that sparkled with hope and faces untouched by the lines of stress. Leah envied them in that moment, but knew that soon they'd be faced with the hardest choice of their life: helping the Jeagerists, or following their Commander.

What Leah experienced next made nausea swell in her body and chills run through her simultaneously. Floch made an attempt to recruit the trainees to the Jeagerists, and those who accepted were tasked with conveying their loyalty through the beating of the Commandant. Leah bit her tongue as the trainees listened like mindless puppets, kicking the older man as he writhed on the ground in pain. She squeezed her eyes shut, not able to bear the sight any longer. Floch's patience with her was running thin as it was. She couldn't risk intervening.

"Now then, if it isn't too inconvenient. Guide us to where Zeke's being held."

The Captain and Commander had no choice but to cooperate. Now on horseback, surrounded on all sides by Jeagerists, Floch instructed them to lead the way to the forest of giant trees where Zeke was being held captive by Levi. An indecipherable worry bubbled within Leah the closer they drew to their destination. By the time there were even remotely close, the heavens opened and a downpour of rain soaked them to their skin. Leah drew the hood on her cloak irritably.

A distant rumble caused them to pause by a river. The sound was drowned by the roar of the torrents of water gushing past them, but to the trained ear it was unmistakable: a thunderspear blast. That meant Levi, or one of the Scouts was nearby. Leah's lips parted to utter a choked gasp at the promise of seeing her Co-Captain and her horse shifted forward beneath her until she tugged it to a stop.

"What was that?" Floch demanded.

"Thunder, maybe?" One of his soldiers responded.

Leah and Hange's eyes remained focused on the spot in the distance where the sound resonated from. An unsure glance at each other was enough to confirm their suspicions. They were both thinking the same thing. But why would any of the Scouts have required a thunderspear? Unless... Zeke had transformed?

Recall - Levi Ackerman x Fem OC (An Attack On Titan /// Shingeki No Kyojin ff)Where stories live. Discover now