"You're right she does deserve the very best and nothing less" I sigh dreamily, just thinking about my girlfriend. "I know you're going to love her when you meet her" there's everything to love about Iris and not a singly thing not to.
"What's she like?" I'm aware she may use anything I say to tease me and if anyone else in my family is listening, I have no doubt that they will do exactly that but how could I not simp over a girl like iris Moore?

"I'm sure you've seen how gorgeous she is in the photos but she so much more than her beauty, she's impressively smart and hilariously funny, she's selfless to a fault and her cooking grandma oh my it's out of this world. And Iris has this gift to make everyone feel at home and-"

"And you want to marry her?" It's more of a statement than a question and though it shocks me for a split second I reply without missing a beat. "I've already asked she said no" my grandma cackles through the phone and a small grin settles on my lips. "If anyone spent the time I have with her, they'd want to too"
"Well it does sound like you're going to have a lot of competition"

"I would think it's weird if I didn't" I'm the luckiest son of a bitch in existence to have such a girl calling me her boyfriend. Obviously some guys will be jealous of that.
"I can't believe my grand baby is so grown up you've already found you're first love" and my last love I quietly amend her words but she's too busy fussing over how old she feels, to hear.

After a minute she calms down and sighs deeply before saying, "I'm so very proud of you darlin' " my throat burns slightly. "Thanks grandma"
"You keep going and keep that girl by your side because nothing is more important than love or happiness and she clearly gives you both" I nod, though she can't see it. "I love you"
"I love you too now I'll let you go but expect a call soon" we exchange another goodbye before I end the call and slip my phone into my pocket.

Breathing in deeply, I focus on the cold hair brushing across my face. My mind is all over the place, between my family and the girl inside, I can't focus on anything. This causes my ears miss the creek of the door opening and her quiet footsteps but not a single cell in my body doesn't hear her gentle question.

"Are you okay newbie?" her hand glides down the curve of my shoulder and her scent wraps around me. "I'm okay" I clear my throat and attempt a smile. "My grandma wants to meet you" her eyes widen and she blows out a breath but she doesn't leave. Instead Iris leans into my side.

"Does she want to meet me because she has another girl lined up for you who she thinks is better?" I shake my head, disbelief filling my mind. "Why the hell would she have another girl for me? Besides you are the best so that's impossible" I rest my chin on top of her head.
"Sorry, Ava made me watch some weird tv series where the grandma hated their daughter in law. It got into my head" she waves the comment off.

"That's fucked up especially because my grandma told me that I should keep you by my side at at all costs" she hums surprised. "Really? Why?"
"Because you make me happy" I find her hand and hold it tightly, she squeezes me back.
"Wait but how does she know that I make you happy?" I cringe, admitting that I basically professed my undying love for her to my family is probably a recipe for her running away.

Yet I'm going to tell her anyway because she's shown that she's not waiting to up and runaway at any second. At least I hope so.
"I may have admitted everything I love about you and she thinks I want to marry you, which I do. Which reminds me to ask will you-"
"No I will not marry you newbie" she denies me and I fake a frown but as she bursts out laughing my face contorts into a dorky smile.

"Eventually you'll say yes" my confidence is all artificial, in reality I'm scared she'll never say yes and I'll never be good enough.
"maybe one day" my heart inflates because in Iris' world that basically means keep trying.
"And then you'll be stuck with my snoring forever"
"Oh god with that in mind I might stop asking" she shoves at my chest and I fall backwards my chest shaking with laughter.

Falling for the unloveable Where stories live. Discover now