Run! (x2)

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"My painting, the money, she's giving me the amount!" Kim bounces on her toes with nervousness pouring out of her in waves.
"What are you waiting for go find out!" Mal's voice only makes Kim bite her lip as I watch carefully for the indications of how she really feels. "You are talented Kim, don't doubt yourself" I keep my voice quiet so that only she hears me and the flash of emotion in her eyes assures me that she has.

In the next moment I'm take by surprise as Kim reaches out and snaps her hand around mine and Mal's wrist before yanking us out of our seats. With a grip like hulk, she pulls us stumbling through the art gallery, only stopping when we arrive at her painting. I squeeze her hand reassuringly and her eyes fly to mine in an instant. Pulling on my best smile, I let her walk in front and Mal moves to attach to my side.

Kim hesitates to let go of our hands but ultimately has to in order to take the paper slip that to her, will reveal not only her success but her worth as a painter. To me, and to everyone that loves her, it is simply a bunch of numbers. Though it's still nerve wracking for us as Mal's clutch on my arm borderlines painful while we wait anxiously for Kim's reaction.

Her slim fingers twist around, nervously trying to open the folded sheet and after a second of fumbling she does.

Kim spins eyes glued to the numbers shes yet to reveal to us and for a baited breath we wait. I watch her eyes dart from side to side with..disbelief? I think. Though it's hard to tell until her glassy eyes flicker up to find ours.
"$200,000" she whispers, disbelief coating every syllable. "Someone payed $200,000" I don't wait for her to repeat it a third time as I take rushed steps forward until my arms fall around her and she crumbles into my body.

"I'm so proud of you tiny. So, so proud" Kim embraces me back so tightly that it makes me laugh, she really does have a grip as strong as hulk. Mal quickly joins our hug whispering,
"My best friend really is Picasso" all three of us laugh at her words before we feel several other bodies overlap our own. "Group hug!" Malcolm yells loud enough to attract even more attention to our odd antics.

I don't think it's common for a big group of teenagers to be stood in the middle of a fancy art exhibit sharing a group hug but it should be. It's very comforting and good for your soul which most youths this day and age could do with healing. Including the seven of us. But we have each other for that task so we'll be okay.

"Not to ruin the moment or anything but there's a very angry, very scary man glaring us down right now" all eyes turn to the direction Mal is looking and a collective 'shit' resounds around the group. "What did you guys do now?" I turn to the boys, knowing that it was one of them that angered the guy who looks like some type of security. He's even got two other guys flanked by his side that are just as buff and freakishly tall. He could flatten me in two seconds.

"Guys..." Malcolm starts, already edging away from the rest of us. "run!" He doesn't take a second more before turning and bolting out of the room. However, it takes me a second to glance around at everyone else who is just as dumbfounded before I shrug, eyes connected to Mal's who reads my mind. Run. She takes off with Kim in tow and I follow, hand grasping onto Elias'. He doesn't put up a fight and jogs alongside me with my presents for the twins in his other hand. Thank god he remembered them because I sure as hell didn't.

We burst out of the entrance doors like hooligans and especially not like the respectable adults we are expected to act as, at such an event.

Malcolm leads us through dark paths lit up by dim lamps that brush over each of our figures as we run down the desolate streets. Our laughs mingle in the night air as newbie pulls me along while I hold the front of my dress with my other hand to make sure I can keep up. There's no destination in mind as we use the streets of New York as our very own playground.

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