As the medics follow my order, I storm out and head for the balcony to have a "chat" with Neji, my teeth clenched.

Homura quickly follows after me as I enter the battle arena, my bangs hiding my gaze as I stalk towards the stairs.

Third Person's P. O. V:

Everyone was still shaken up by the Hyuga battle when they hear footsteps echoing up the stairs. The Leaf ninja turn to see Sakuya stalking up the stairs, her golden furred nekomata trailing along behind her.

Some of Naruto's rage from before fades at the look of fury on the Princess's face, her bangs hiding her eyes.

Choji says, swallowing thickly, "Awe, man, Sakuya looks P. Oed!"

Ren mutters, "This oughtta be good."

Sakuya stops right in front of the brown haired Hyuga, gaze still shadowed, as she says in a quiet tone, "Neji." Sakuya's voice is too quiet, causing everyone's faces to pale, though said Hyuga was better at hiding it.

Neji turns to the pink haired girl, uttering bitterly, "What?"

Sakuya's chakra filled hand goes flying it connects with Neji's left cheek so strongly, that his head rocks to the side as a thunderous SLAP echoes throughout the arena, the impact sending him spinning into the wall and forming a crater, causing almost everyone to jump out of their skins as they stare at her wide eyed.

Sakuya's chakra filled hand goes flying it connects with Neji's left cheek so strongly, that his head rocks to the side as a thunderous SLAP echoes throughout the arena, the impact sending him spinning into the wall and forming a crater, causing a...

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

No one dares to speak as the sound fades out, and Neji, peels himself out of the wall as Sakura flails about, tasting copper in his mouth which he spits out, slowly turns his head back to the Princess. He narrows his white eyes as her hand trembles in the air, bangs still covering her gaze. Though her hand isn't trembling from pain of the impact; Sakuya's hand is trembling from suppressed rage.

Sakura cries out, "Eep! Sakuya! Stop destroying the place!!"

"That was for Hinata... you son of a bitch!!" Sakuya growls out lowly, the sound bouncing off the walls. Neji touches his hand to his cheek, feeling it throb as he knows there'd be a red hand print there.

Kakashi sweat drops as the other Jounin gape at her, thinking, "Well, I guess we should've seen this one coming."

Kurenai thinks, staring at Sakuya in shock, "Considering how close Sakuya and Hinata are, it must've been hard seeing her friend in such a condition while Sakuya was probably healing her. For as long as they've known each other, Sakuya's always been overprotective of Hinata. It's no wonder she's livid."

"You little...!" Neji growls, narrowing his eyes in a glare.

"I know why you hate Hinata...." Sakuya says in that same soft tone. "I know why you're angry... but that doesn't give you the right to take it out on Hinata!!" Here, Sakuya jerks her head up to reveal eyes burning with rage that makes Ino, Choji, Shikamaru and others standing close to flinch back. Homura growls at Neji by Sakuya's feet.

Book 1: Sakura Heart (Kiba Love Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz