The wedding - part 2

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"Atsushi calm down, I can see your tiger ears." Dazai was currently in Atsushi's hotel room trying to calm his mentee before he'd end up completely transforming due to panic.

"You can see my ears!" Atsushi exclaimed before running over to the mirror, he tried flattening them down and after a while they disappeared. However when Dazai looked at him facing the mirror he could now see a tiger tail poking out of his untucked shirt.

He slowly walked over and placed a hand on his shoulder nullifying any aspects of the tiger.

"Atsushi, you don't need to worry. Everything is going to be fine. Now let's get you fixed up before your soon to be husband kills me for making you run late." Dazai gave a laugh at his own joke which Atsushi laughed along with. But Dazai knew Akutagawa would kill him in a heartbeat if he really did do anything to ruin this wedding.


"Ryuunosuke, are you ready?" Chuuya questioned as he'd left his mentee to get changed on his own. He rounded the corner to see Akutagawa struggling to sort the buttons on his waistcoat. Chuuya gave an exasperated sigh and went over to assist him.

"To say that you're twenty four and can't dress yourself is slightly concerning." Chuuya joked as Akutagawa rested his head on his shoulder.

"I'm a mess aren't I?" He questioned with a muffled voice.

"Yes, a total disaster." Chuuya responded in a light hearted tone.

"What!?" Akutagawa responded, he hadn't expected his mentor to actually agree with him. Chuuya laughed at his extreme reaction and patted him on the shoulder.

"But you're the exact disaster your soon to be husband fell for." Akutagawa sighed in relief, just his mentor's usual jokes.

"Now let's get you downstairs, I'm sure the ceremony is going to start soon." Akutagawa nodded in agreement and quickly threw on his jacket while he made his way to the lift with Chuuya leading. At this point Chuuya received a phone call.


"CHUUYA!" He quickly removed the phone from his ear to prevent being deafened by Gin. He slowly put the phone back to his ear and prayed he wouldn't have his eardrums exploded. He leaned on the side of the lift a little distance away from Akutagawa so he couldn't hear properly.

"Where are you!?"

"I'm in the lift with Ryuunosuke, why?"

"I need you to stall for time, we can't find the wedding rings..." Chuuya's face paled. Of all the things that could've happened, why this?

"Okay, I can give about five, maybe ten minutes." He whispered on the phone Akutagawa started to grow worried with Chuuya whispering.

"Chuuya is everything okay?" He asked, Chuuya couldn't afford to let him find out. He'd end up an even worse wreck of nerves than he already was.

"No it's nothing, I just remembered we left something in the room. Can we head back up?" Akutagawa thought for a second then nodded. Once the lift reached the bottom the doors opened revealing Ichigo trying to calm Mirai who was a mess of tears, Chuuya swiftly blocked Akutagawa's view and made the lift quickly begin to ascend to their prior level. Once inside Chuuya's and Dazai's hotel room the ginger began to search around the room. In all honesty he was looking for a necklace Dazai had gifted him years ago, he'd originally decided he wasn't going to wear it but he needed an excuse at this given moment.

"Chuuya? What exactly are you looking for?" Akutagawa questioned conscious for time.

"A necklace Osamu gave me, I realised I'd taken it off last night and forgot to put it back on." Akutagawa nodded and began to help in the search. Chuuya knew where he'd left it, on the sink of the bathroom. But Akutagawa didn't know that.

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