Chapter 6

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With Gin gone for possibly the next half hour Ryuunosuke was left to entertain himself alone, as usual. He was about to get up and collect a book from his room to read when Atsushi gave a sharp inhale. This caught Ryuunosuke off guard and caused him to scoot back a decent distance, only to realise he was still unconscious. Another nightmare.

Ryuunosuke placed his hand against the Weretiger's forehead, Gin had replaced the damp cloth against his forehead earlier. However, it seemed to be becoming warm too quickly for Akutagawa's liking. He removed the cloth and began to resoak it in cold water, then ring it of its excess before placing it back against his head. "Damn you Jinko." Was all Akutagawa said before retreating to his bedroom to collect a book.

Meanwhile, within Atsushi's unconscious mind he had been reliving his worst days ever since he dropped unconscious on Akutagawa's doorstep.

Atsushi P.O.V -

"Get up!" Atsushi heard as he collapsed, face ground into the solid concrete. He had no desire to get up and face his teacher, however the fear of being locked in the basement without food again was enough motivation to have him rest on his knees.

"You are a waste of space, you always antagonise the other children. All they want to do is learn and you ruin that for them!" Another lie the other children had spread about Atsushi. After all he was an easy target; he had been hated the minute he set foot upon the grounds of the orphanage. He wasn't sure how long it had been. Maybe five years? Could have been longer, he had no idea. All he knew at that moment of time was that he was ten years old and stuck in this place. Atsushi kept trying to remember his life before the orphanage but never got far, before he could think any further his face was met by the hardback of a book. Causing him to fall down once more.

"And now you won't even listen to me!" The woman was becoming more and more of an annoyance to Atsushi. He was just happy it wasn't the headmaster.

"I think it's time you pay a visit to your father, don't you?" Atsushi felt his body tense up in fear. No. Not him. Anyone but him.

"No please!" Atsushi cried, his fear being the only thing he felt at that moment. "Don't take me to him! I'll do anything! Please!" His tears began to fall in rivers, the woman wasn't moved one bit. Atsushi swore he saw her grin in pleasure at his suffering.

"I'm afraid that's not for you to decide." She scruffed the back of Atsushi's collar and began to drag him along the floor as he attempted to claw at the woman's hand with his stubby nails, but to no avail. "Why does he make me keep my nails so short!" Atsushi cursed internally. Not long later they arrived outside the headmaster's door. The woman tossed Atsushi to the floor causing Atsushi to squeak in pain at the impact. As soon as he could, Atsushi attempted to run away, however the woman stomped her foot upon Atsushi's back.

"You are not going anywhere you little rat!" She dug her heel into Atsushi's ribs even more before removing it and dusting herself down. Finally, knocking upon the door.

"Yes?" His voice came, even if Atsushi could still move properly and run, the sound of his voice disregarded any will he had left.

"Permission to enter headmaster?" She sounded so sincere and kind now, Atsushi despised her for that.

"Permission granted." She slowly opened the door, and Atsushi was greeted with the sight of the headmaster, no, his adoptive father. Calmly sat marking documents for some reason or another. Atsushi crawled inside and sat upon his knees head down awaiting his punishment, that was the only thing that happened when he entered this place.

"What has the boy done this time?" Questioned the man, he still didn't take his eyes off the documents.

"He's antagonising the children again. I gave him a proper beating, however I don't think it got through." The headmaster nodded his head in acknowledgement. Then he finally turned in his seat, he glimpsed at Atsushi briefly before turning to the woman. "Very well, I will deal with him accordingly." The woman smiled in acknowledgment. Just as she turned to leave she seemed to remember something and whispered it into the headmaster's ear. After that she was gone.

"Atsushi." His voice echoed against the walls of his small office.

"Y..Yes?" He responded quickly, although he admonished himself for mumbling. His father always hated it when he mumbled.

"You understand you have caused a grave error." Atsushi nodded in agreement, there was no point in arguing at this point. "You understand the consequences then?" Atsushi nodded again, not daring to raise his head. "Follow me." The headmaster left his seat and began to traverse down the hall. Atsushi followed close behind. After minutes of traversing down steps and hallways they eventually ended up in the basement. Atsushi stared at the cell which would soon become his home for the next however many days.

"Get inside." He ordered, with no seconds to spare, Atsushi settled himself down on the scrap of fabric which was supposed to be a bed. However, the headmaster grasped his wrist and dragged him to the adjacent wall. The chains.

"W..what? Why!" He cried as his wrists were clamped inside the chains. "Because, you have caused trouble and this is your punishment." Before Atsushi could protest more, the headmaster quickly raised himself from his knees and made his way over to a locked cupboard. Atsushi felt whatever remains of colour he had drained from his face. "No! Please no!" He cried internally, shaking his head in fear, on the verge of tears. The headmaster made his way back over to Atsushi with a syringe in hand holding some form of liquid. Before Atsushi could begin to move away in fear his step-father grasped his arm and rolled up his sleeve, administering the liquid. Atsushi's arm began to ache in pain.

"What did I do?" He mumbled as the headmaster locked the door to the cell. "You did nothing. It was all me." That was the final words Atsushi detected before the sound of the closing door to the stairs was heard.

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