Extra 2.4

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When Atsushi awoke the next morning the bed was empty. Akutagawa had already left for work, he had to work an early shift that day so he would roughly be back around lunch. Atsushi had the day off, which he wished he didn't. Being alone in the apartment felt suffocating.

He quickly decided he'd invite Dazai around to their place. It had been a while since he'd seen him here.

"H..hello?" Dazai croaked on one end, he sounded in pain from what Atsushi could tell.

"Dazai, are you okay?" Atsushi began to worry.

"No, I'm fine. Just a bit of a hangover and something else..." Atsushi was going to question further but thought against it.

After questioning his mentor on how long it would take for him to come to the apartment, Atsushi then decided he should actually get some breakfast. Twenty minutes later Dazai finally arrived, accompanied by Chuuya.

"I was not letting this idiot drive." Was Chuuya's reasoning. Although he looked absolutely exhausted and face planted onto the sofa as soon as he had the chance. Atsushi made the pair a cup of coffee each before settling on the opposite sofa to the pair.

"So what's wrong Atsushi?" Dazai questioned, he knew his subordinate never called him over out of the blue just to visit.

"It's Ryuunosuke. He had an accident last night..." He trailed off on his words, he didn't know if Akutagawa wanted people knowing about this. But last night was still clear in his memory.

"What kind of accident?" Chuuya's question came out quite muffled as his face was still in the couch cushions.

"It's to do with Rashomon." Chuuya shot up almost immediately, it seemed he knew something the others didn't.

"He didn't... He didn't try to..." He couldn't even finish his words but Atsushi knew what he meant. He gave a curt nod in response. Dazai felt so clueless in the situation.

"Care to elaborate?" Dazai questioned, he really didn't like being out of the loop.

"You don't know this but when you left the Mafia something happened to Ryyunosuke while he was asleep. If what Atsushi is talking about is the same, then we should be worried about Ryuunosuke's safety." Dazai still felt as lost as he was since the start of this conversation.

"Who's threatening Akutagawa's life? We can just deal with them." Chuuya shook his head at his husband.

"Osamu. The threat is Ryuunosuke himself." Dazai was taken aback. He always assumed Akutagawa had a strong mental state, stronger than his own. But his assumption was very wrong.

"Do you know what triggers it?" Atsushi questioned, if there was a way to prevent this he would ensure it would never happen again.

"I've only witnessed it a couple times and each time was different. The first time was when Dazai left, the second I'm not sure about the reasoning behind it. But I happened to be in the room when it happened, thankfully my gravity can prevent his clothing from moving." Atsushi sighed in disappointment, he wasn't any closer to figuring out what happened. He promised Akutagawa he'd be there for him whenever he needed him, but he was failing at that. He was worried all this extra work he'd been doing might have been related but he had to do the work, he had to.

"Have you asked Gin about this?" Dazai chimed in, Atsushi shook his head in response.

"If anyone would know it would be her. After all she is his sister." Atsushi nodded in agreement. They were right, she would know the most about him. Although there was one problem, Atsushi had never met Gin nor had a way to contact her. Chuuya was about to pass out on the coach when Dazai asked Atsushi a question he knew wasn't their business.

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