Chapter 32

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"Where's Atsushi?" Tanizaki questioned, he'd just returned from the shop down the street getting snacks for people.

"He's gone back into the infirmary, he had a photo in hand but said he needed time to think." Kunikida responded, still not looking up from his computer.

"Oh well I found these sweets in the shop. I thought he might like them is all." Tanizaki pulled the sweets out of the bag showing them to the other members. They were Chasuke flavoured, this company had a habit of making unique sweets. But everyone thought this was a bit far.

"I'll give them to him." Kyoka piped up, grabbing the packet off Tanizaki. The man nodded as he began to hand out the other items to the members.

Kyoka was about to head into the infirmary but saw Akutagawa stood staring at the man through the gap in the door. Again.

Despite her mission to be attempting to befriend Atsushi again she decided another course of action might be better.

"Hey, Akutagawa." She stood beside the man who had only just taken notice of her presence. His observation skills were starting to slip since he'd left the Mafia.

"Hello, Kyoka." Akutagawa greeted then looked at the sweets she had in hand. He was confused they didn't look like the traditional super sweet ones she usually had.

"What's with the change?" He questioned but she stuck out the sweets for Ryuunosuke to take. He did.

"Give them to Atsushi. That should give you a reason to speak, it's kinda depressing watching you stare at him from afar." Ryuunosuke's face turned an incredibly light pink before he protested.
"I am not staring. I am merely observing, to make sure he's okay." Kyoka rolled her eyes briefly before turning away.


Akutagawa watched her back disappear to join the crowd in the main room. He stared at the sweets then at Atsushi. Then at the sweets once more. Against his better judgement he quietly knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" Atsushi questioned he didn't sound as happy as he did earlier.

"It is I Akutagawa. I have something for you, if you'll let me give it to you of course?" There was silence for a moment before Atsushi responded.

"Is it a bomb?" Akutagawa felt a slight stab at that remark. "No. Just some Chasuke sweets." What followed was the sound of covers being thrown and someone's feet hitting against the ground quickly. The door was then thrown open and Atsushi had a look of pure joy on his face.

"Did you say Chasuke!?" Akutagawa gave a slight smile, even after all the manipulation his love for Chasuke never changed. The man nodded and Atsushi allowed him to enter the infirmary.

"Kyoka, I thought you said you were giving him the sweets?" Kunikida questioned as he saw Ryuunosuke disappear into the infirmary.

"Eh, let him do it. He needs to speak with him."

Inside the infirmary the only noise was the sound of Atsushi eating the sweets, a look of pure delight on his face. It made Akutagawa happy to see him like this. However Atsushi quickly realised that he was staring at him.

"What? You want some?" He questioned with a mouth full of sweets. Ryuunosuke shook his head in dismissal.

"No you can have them all." He began to move his hand to mess with the man's hair but stopped himself. This wasn't his Atsushi, he probably wouldn't like it.

When he retracted his hand Atsushi felt disheartened slightly. If what he thought was gonna happen happened, it would have made him feel more relaxed. He couldn't recall when but he remembered someone's hand messing with his hair, but he'd had no idea who it was.

His vision was dark when paired with the memory, he was probably asleep when it happened.
But the feeling was something he remembered, something he wanted to experience again. But then that dreadful memory of Akutagawa chopping his leg off came to mind. He flinched away self consciously, both men looked away from the other. Not daring to match eyes. They both feared what the other would do to them.

Fifteen minutes passed with no words exchanged. Akutagawa was dying to question Atsushi on nearly everything but he knew he had to take it slowly. If he didn't he might ruin the only chance he had at reconnecting with Atsushi.

Thankfully Atsushi spoke first.

"What am I to you?" This took Akutagawa aback, what was Atsushi to him?

An acquaintance?

A target?

An enemy?

A co-worker?

A friend?

A lover?

He didn't know, he'd treated him so cruelly till the incident three years ago. And when they left they promised to start anew. Well he was starting fresh now but this wasn't what he had in mind. Instead of making things more complicated and leaving Atsushi to worry the longer he sat in silence he responded.

"I don't know. Let's find out."

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