Extra 2.2

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It had been a few minutes since the conversation with Kunikida. He'd expected Akutagawa to be in the main office section of the building but he'd disappeared. Atsushi was saddened but when he saw Yosano was gone as well he'd assumed she'd dragged his boyfriend to go shopping. Atsushi had gone through that enough times to know he'd be gone for a while.

Atsushi decided instead of lounging about in the office he was going to ask Fukuzawa for something to do. After all, he had to save up some money for something.

He was about to knock on the office when he heard voices on the inside. He didn't recognise one of them so he quickly opened the door to find out.

Atsushi quickly regretted his decision when he saw Ranpo with another man.

Also for some reason there was a racoon on the desk.

Ranpo did not look too pleased being interrupted with whatever he had been doing while the other man hid his face in his hands; he looked incredibly embarrassed. Ranpo stalked over to a desk and pulled out a file which he threw at Atsushi.

"Do that." He complained while moving over to shut the door in Atsushi's face. Atsushi was momentarily stunned by Ranpo's reaction but quickly shook it off as he investigated the file. It was a small case about a robbery, he expected it to take him a few hours at most.


It had been nearly over a year since Atsushi had returned to the agency. The place has grown a lot more lively, and Akutagawa had the habit of smiling a lot more which a lot of the members were grateful for, they worried that he didn't know how to smile sometimes.

The pair were currently sitting at Akutagawa's desk, Atsushi having finished his paperwork on all his cases, he'd even finished the paperwork of all the extra cases he'd taken on. It struck as odd to Akutagawa why Atsushi has been working overtime; he didn't need extra money for the apartment or any living necessities. Most of that was paid with Akutagawa's old money from the Mafia. If he just needed extra money he could always just ask him, he knew Akutagawa wouldn't reject the idea of him borrowing money. Either way Akutagawa wasn't fond of him doing overtime. He left earlier in the mornings and came back even later at night. He'd been struggling to keep up with his sleep given all this extra work. Which explains why he was fast asleep while next to Akutagawa their hands interlocked as when he was awake Atsushi had grabbed his hand for some reason. However, that resulted in a now trapped Akutagawa who didn't want to disturb his sleeping boyfriend.

Dazai has finally turned up for work at this point strolling over to his desk, stretching his back backwards. Akutagawa thought he saw a hint of pain in the man's face but decided to dismiss it.

"Look at you two lovebirds," He whispered, taunting poor Akutagawa who never took this well even after a year he still blushed when others mentioned their relationship. "Honestly you should just get married already." Akutagawa croaked slightly not knowing how to respond for a second.

"Don't you think it's too early for that!? How long did you date Chuuya before you two got married?" Akutagawa was panicked but that question was one he'd been meaning to ask for a long time. After all the pair had tricked everyone for a long time in making it appear as if they despised each other. Akutagawa was just unlucky and walked in on them one time. He still couldn't forget it to this day.

"How long? Hmm?" Dazai pondered trying to recall, this should be something he could recall on the spot.

"Oh I remember. So I met Chuuya when I was fifteen, we started dating when we were roughly seventeen and less than a year later I proposed to him. Although it wasn't exactly the best situation when I did it." He laughed awkwardly after his last words. This caught Akutagawa's attention.

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