Chapter 1

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"Ryuunosuke! What was that noise?" Gin hollered from her room however her brother did not respond as his attention was preoccupied elsewhere. "Ryuunosuke! Answer me!" Gin hollered as she began to unwrap herself from the covers of her own bed. Dressed in an oversized shirt and shorts, Gin wandered into the main room expecting to find her brother slumped over fast asleep on the dining table, cup crashed against the floor. Her current guess to the loud noise.

When she discovered a bleeding body of a white haired male currently unconscious upon their sofa she was a little surprised. "Ryuunosuke... What the heck is going on?" She exclaimed in her still somewhat sleepy mood. "Weretiger knocked on the door, got shot by someone. Your guess is as good as mine." He answered while stripping Atsushi of his shirt which appeared to be a lot more tattered than he recalled.
As he peeled it from his back he discovered there was dried blood on certain spots not all of his injuries were fresh, although none of them appeared to be healing which struck as odd to the pair. After all Ryuunosuke had done many rants about the Weretiger to his sister, she basically knew him well enough herself at this point, she knew very well of his rapid healing ability.

"Ryuunosuke, I thought you hated him?" He nodded in agreement to her question. "Then why are you helping him?" Ryuunosuke glanced at Gin momentarily before continuing his focus on preventing any more blood escaping Atsushi's body. "If he dies I want it to be me who finishes him." Gin shook her head at her brother's words before moving to make herself a cup of tea.

"What are you doing? You need to go back to bed, you're being dispatched in the morning." Gin slammed her hand on the side at her brother's constant demands. "You expect me to go on your mission and leave you alone?" Ryuunosuke nodded his head with an affirming grunt. Gin seemed to freeze in that moment, remembering something slightly unsettling, however regained herself quickly.

"Tachihara will be fine soloing the mission alone." Gin then began to let the kettle boil while she walked over to Atsushi and rested her hand against his forehead. She pulled her hand back with a disapproving look on his face. "This the first time he's been shot?" She questioned as she began to pull a cloth out of a draw and douse it in water. "No, I've seen Higuchi fire at him on multiple occasions. However, he did have his tiger ability at those times." Gin nods in agreement as she rings the excess water out of the cloth. She quickly moves to place it on his head before turning her attention to her drink. "Well, he looks feverish probably due to his body not being used to the pain without his ability." Ryuunosuke nodded as finished bandaging Atsushi's wounds.

Gin handed her brother the remains of his drink from earlier as he rested against the coffee table after finishing his work. "Who did you think did this?" Questioned the younger Akutagawa, Ryuunosuke shrugged his shoulders in response as he took a sip from the now cold tea which left a bitter taste in his mouth. "The Detective Agency has many enemies. It could have been anyone." Gin gave a defeated sigh and took Ryuunosuke's cup and placed it in the sink.

"It's nearly 2:00am, do you want to sleep for a bit?" Gin questioned her brother, he shook his head in dismissal. "If he wakes up I need to be here to explain things to him." Gin flicked her brother on the forehead, he recoiled in pain. "And that was for?" He asked in his usual annoyed tone. "Just for later." Gin smiled and took a sip of her tea, it was slightly too hot still so she burnt her tongue slightly and stuck it out in reaction to the pain. This got a slight snicker out of the elder.

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