Extra 2.6

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"Ryuunosuke? Is there a problem?" Atsushi questioned, he had to remain calm and he would know if something was wrong.

"No, no problem. I was just checking in to make sure you're okay." Atsushi was going to say something but then heard Kunikida shouting at Dazai in the background.

"Sounds like it's lively there?" Akutagawa gave a light laugh at his boyfriend's words.

"Yeah, Dazai hasn't been doing any paperwork and instead been bugging me."

"What's he bugging you about?" There wasn't anything for Dazai to really annoy Akutagawa about from what Atsushi knew.

"It's nothing," It was a very quick and sharp response, Atsushi thought it suspicious but didn't press further. "Anyway I'll be done in about fifteen minutes, do you want to go out for lunch?" Atsushi began to panic. He was half an hour away from their house, he was unsure he'd be able to get back before him.

"Sure, let's decide when you get back." Akutagawa gave an affirmative grunt in response.

"I love you." Akutagawa stated, he waited for an answer. But didn't receive one, Atsushi had already ended the call on his end.

Atsushi quickly bid Gin goodbye, removed his promise ring as he feared breaking it and began to race down the streets of Yokohama using his tiger ability, it was the only shot he had at getting back before Akutagawa.

Block after block he finally made it to their apartment in seventeen minutes, but he watched as Akutagawa made his way inside the building. He must have finished earlier than he said. With no other choice Atsushi began to leap up the side of the building to an open window, dragging himself through. They lived on the seventh floor, but he'd only jumped to the third one. With no time to lose he bolted up the stairs onto their floor, he could see the lift was just one floor away from theirs.

He quickly threw himself into their apartment and slammed the door behind him. A tad bit out of breath and his clothes battered and ruined due to transforming into the tiger he ran into the shower turning on the water and began to wash himself.

"Atsushi, I'm back!" Akutagawa hollered down the hall as he took off his shoes.

"I'm just in the shower, I'll be done soon!" He responded knowing he wouldn't dare to walk in while he was in here.

A few minutes later Atsushi made his way into the living room with a towel draped around his shoulders, dressed in a T-shirt and shorts. Akutagawa didn't notice him coming in as he was reading something on his phone. Atsushi placed himself next to Akutagawa while he began to dry his hair.

"So where do you want to go for lunch?" He questioned, finally grabbing Akutagawa's attention. Before he responded Akutagawa grabbed the towel Atsushi was using and began to dry his hair for him.

"How about that cafe down the street?" He pondered aloud while trying to dry Atsushi's hair, he knew if he didn't it would end up drying in an awkward position and Atsushi would get worked up over it.

"Yeah." Atsushi smiled in response, Akutagawa smiled back. He was happy he could have moments like these with Atsushi but then he looked at his hand and saw the ring missing. Atsushi never took the ring off unless he turned into the tiger, and for all Akutagawa knew he'd been in the apartment all morning.

He tried to brush it aside and thought he might have taken it off due to being in the shower. But the nightmare from last night came crashing back. Akutagawa stalled in his movements which caused Atsushi to turn around and look at him, his eyes glazed over as if his mind was elsewhere.

"Ryu?" Atsushi questioned as Akutagawa snapped back to the present.

"It's nothing, get changed and we'll go." Atsushi made his way into the bedroom and saw his ring in the pile of discarded clothes.

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