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 My name is Dr. Alexis Elisabeth Stepman. I have been an agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation for the past ten years. I came to this job thanks to my abilities in deduction and psychology, which is why I also first worked as a forensic and criminological behavioral pathology specialist. I analyzed the behavior of criminals based on their crimes and profiled the perpetrators.

However, I am a pure-blooded scientist by birth. I studied paleontology at the University of Las Vegas. After defending my dissertation and obtaining my doctorate, I started working at my alma mater as a teacher, but mainly as a freelance scientist. I travel around the world and explore the most famous paleontological sites.

In 2008, my team found the body of a murdered woman in Yellowstone National Park along with the remains of a prehistoric creature. The FBI agent assigned to this case began to use my ability and knowledge in psychology and criminology. It was all about starting. This perverse but ordinary crime escalated after discovering that this was already the twelfth victim of the serial killer, the Jane Doe Killer. However, an even worse discovery and much more personal for me was that this perverted individual also killed my mother in 1999 - until then, it was an accident. Agent Kent and I searched for the Jane Doe Killer for almost a year, but before we caught him, he committed several more crimes, including ones that directly involved me. He tried to kill me three times. He was obsessed with me. He haunted me for about ten years.

After this experience, I interrupted my scientific work and joined the FBI Academy in Quantico, where I was trained in criminal law, forensics, and police and federal activities.

I've built a decent reputation in the few years I've done this job. I threw myself into every case with total commitment and gave myself one hundred percent.

At the same time, however, I kept going to psychological sessions for post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety, stress, and insomnia. I am under constant control of medications and doctors to perform my work safely. I married Agent Kent, and we had a daughter three years ago. I have an idyllic life, family, and friends. I have reached the pinnacle of my career. It can be said that I have achieved everything - not - more - than I thought I imagined.

These are my journal entries. My name is Dr. Alexis Elisabeth Stepman, and this is my life story.

April 12, 2018,

Washington, D.C.

My Life with DeathOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora