
I am waiting for Kiara in the car. Cloudy's car isn't here, so she didn't return home. After breakfast we are heading to the airport, we have a flight in two hours for Las Vegas.

<<Good morning handsome>> Kiara opens the door. <<Good morning to you too babe>> I say back. <<I need coffee and quickly>> Kiara says, putting on her seatbelt. She adjust's her seat and gives me a kiss on the cheek. <<Then let's go for coffee and breakfast>> I say driving away.

<<What about your suitcases?>> I ask Ki. <<Marc will pick them up and bring them to the airport>>she reassures me. <<I didn't know and I got mine, they are in the back>> I complain. <<You never listen to what we say that is why>> Kiara laughs.

We drive past Charles apartment. Her car is parked right infront. I am sick to my stomach. I knew she was with Charles all night but I hoped I was wrong.

I hate myself, when I had the chance to have her I threw it away. Now I have to face the consequences. It's always the bad timing that screws me over and over again. 

I had forgotten that Ki is in the car, until she started singing along to a song from the radio. I smile to myself but not because of Kiara but in the memory of Cloudy and I singing while driving through the Monaco streets.

I miss this times, when it was just the two of us, just as friends. With her studies and the races we didn't have time to spent together and now there's Charles and Kiara.

I snap out of my thoughts. We are at Starbucks drive-thru. <<I will have a chocolate cream cold brew>> I order for myself. <<And a cinnamon caramel cream cold and a crispy grilled cheese sandwich>> Kiara says to the speaker. <<Anything else?>> a female voice sounds from the speaker. <<No that's all>> I say. <<Come in the front to pick up your order>> the girl says again.

I find myself zoning out when I hear Kiara saying, << You don't want anything to eat?>>

Eat? No I would rather pass on that I am not in the mood, but that's not what I say instead <<No I am not hungry, I ate a bar before leaving my room>>

We are at the window, a blond girl slides it open <<Here is your order si->> a pause <<Wait, Lando Norris?>> she looks like she saw a ghost. <<Yeah that's me>> I love it when people recognise me. <<I am a huge fan but I don't have anything for you ti s-sign>> the girl is shy now.

I nod at Kiara and she reaches a hat from the back. <<What's your name?>> I ask the girl. <<M-my name? It's Zoe>> the girl, I mean Zoe is know smiling. <<Here you go, Zoe>> I say while giving Zoe a McLaren hat signed by me.

<<Thank you so much and here is your order>> Zoe says. <<Goodbye Zoe >> I wave and drive away.

<<Lando Norris is that you?>> Kiara laughs <<they love you>> she continues. <<If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be here>> I say.

We can see the airport from here, we came and hour earlier although it's my private jet and we can leave whenever we want.


We are getting on my jet with the number 4 written to both sides. Cloudy isn't here yet. The flight is supposed to leave in 30 minutes and she isn't here. So unlike her, she usually is two hours earlier, so that she is sure she won't miss the flight.

My phone screen hasn't been showing anything else for the past ten minutes except a picture of me and Cloudy and how I named her contact years I ago. The plane is supposed to leave but she is missing and she isn't picking up my calls.

Charles car shows up. Of course she is here with him what was I expecting, he is propably the reason to why she is late. She gets out of the car the wind blowing her hair, making her look like the main character. Charles gets out of the car and helps her with her luggage.

They kiss and I am sick again, I take my eyes off the window, I don't want to see them kiss again.

<<I am so sorry I am late I->> Cloudy tries to explain herself but Kiara interrupts her <<It's okay as long as you where having fun>> Kiara winks at Cloudy.

<<KIARA>> Cloudy says laughing. They think I can't hear them because I have my headphones on but I am not listening to anything, only her voice.

She grabs my headphones <<Mr Norris you aren't talking to me? I thought I am supposed to be mad at you>> she says and sits next to me. <<I am not mad at you>> I am jealous is what I don't say.

<<Lando I don't want us to be like that, I don't like fighting with you>> the words I needed to hear, <<You are my bestfriend>> and the ones I didn't want to . <<Neither do I, Cloudy>> at least she is still my bestfriend.

<<So you and Charles are official?>> the words spill from my mouth.



I am sorry I didn't post for so long. I will try to start posting new chapters more frequently.

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