Chapter 71

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The air inside was tense, and Kang-Hee's expression darkened as he watched the Master bedroom. Straightening his upper body, which had been leaning slightly towards the door, Kang-Hee turned to Yohwan, who was waiting at the edge of the veranda. With a nod, a silent understanding passed between them.

Yohwan descended to the expansive courtyard, burden in tow, and approached Jeon Su Gyeom with a reverent demeanor.

"I apologize. It seems the Young Master
is... not showing signs of waking up."

Yohwan, who couldn't bear to say that his Young Master was currently indulging in sexual affairs, gave a cursory reply.

However, Jeon Su Gyeom, smiling as if he knew everything, lightly tapped Yohwan's shoulder with a fan.

"I know everything, so why beat around the bush? It's okay, it's okay. There's nothing to do, the weather is nice, so we will just wait patiently."


Yohwan wore an awkward expression. It was his first time dealing with such a situation, unsure of what to do. A master immersed in a sexual affair. It was truly surprising, and from the morning breeze until near noon, it had continued. Indeed, he couldn't grasp when that sexual affair would come to an end.

"Master Jeon, wouldn't it be better to leave now?"

A courtesan, once discreetly ensconced in her palanquin, lifted her head and urged.

"Hey, You. You should rectify the mistake you made."

Despite the inconvenience, Jeon Su Gyeom harbored a purpose in meeting Chae Yoon-sa.
It was because of the mistake the courtesan made last night, adding drug to Chae
Yoon-sa's drink.

"If he loses his mind, what will happen?"

"He won't lose his mind. Nonsense!"

"Master Jeon!"

"Oh, hush! You're so noisy. How can the voice of a guilty girl be so assertive? Hasn't he regained his senses yet?"

"That's not it..."

"Or just wait quietly."

The courtesan pouted her mouth, put her face back, and lowered the veil of her palanquin.

Meanwhile, Do Wook, who had fallen asleep early due to intoxication, now, not fully grasping the situation, asked Jeon Su Gyeom discreetly

"What happened yesterday, exactly?"

Jeon Su Gyeom chuckled

"There was a big incident."

"Please tell me slowly."

"Well, to put it mildly, it's a long story. Thanks to that courtesan, our dear friend finally met his match, and yesterday he had to part from the virginity he had for a long time~ that's the summary."

"...Could this be about Master Yoon-sa ?"

Do Wook's expression turned serious.

"Why ask the obvious? Do you also want to hear about the fact that you've already remarried twice? Or perhaps the tale of my lively night with those women? Is there anyone other than our Master Yoon-sa, who has been a virgin for over 27 years?"

"...It's hard to believe."

"You better believe it. Look, he's still engrossed in some sex, unable to even send off guests properly."

Do Wook awkwardly scratched his forehead, cleared his throat, and Jeon Su Gyeom playfully fanned himself, saying

"He's absorbed in sex, absorbed!"

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