Shifting Dream (kinda) Storytime

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Hello my ppl

Sooo... I guess we could say that what I had last night was a lucid dream...

I wasn't even thinking about shifting when I went to sleep, I was even planning on taking a break for a while but here we are.

So at first the dream was like me with a bunch of my classmates/people from my year on a room like okay?

Then VALKYRIE APPERED LIKE OUT OF THE NOWHERE. She's my s/o in one of my Marvel DR's okay.

So like the people I mentioned before were like starting to leave or something and practically it was just me and Val and I remember telling her something funny, and she laughed and then said something but I didn't really hear it so I went closer to her and asked her then she hugged me and said something like "are you ready to go?"

So then everything goes black and I open my eyes to see that I'm in a room I've never seen before and I hear voices from outside the room talking about Asgardian stuff or idk (for context in this DR I'm Thor's sister cause yeah).

Then I close my eyes again and wake up here hearing my mom using the... Thing to dry hair? How's that called? Idk.

So anyways the part of the dream where I wake up on that room idk anymore if it was still a dream it felt weird.

So I either mini shifted for real or mini shifted in a dream.

I've seen people say that taking a break helps with shifting but man it was the first night of the break is it that quick the effect?

That's all I guess.

Well bye


(I realised Lex doesn't really fit me so I added a y)

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