Little Update

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Hello my ppl

This is a little update about this last few days cause I got myself back into shifting.

So like four days ago I started getting A LOT of shifting videos on TikTok for like the first time in weeks.

I got motivated and then I saw a video of a girl talking about her method. The method is called The Reality Stone method. And if you know anything about Marvel you probably know about the infinity stones. The reality one is the red one.

Anyways the creator of the method: @dja.nique on TikTok obviously.

So I tried the method and I'm pretty sure I got into the void state but then I fell asleep and didn't shift but it felt so close.

Then the next night I was too lazy to try the method again but I had a dream about shifting.

Two nights ago I wanted to try the method again but I fell asleep too soon and my dream literally called me out for that like wtf.

And tonight I had an oddly specific dream that is something I would dream as my DR self in one of my two Marvel DR's (don't ask why I have two, I just do, okay?)

So yeah, my motivation is back and I hope for a long while this time.

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