9th-10th September 2023

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Hello my ppl

I'm finally updating heh.

Last night I fell asleep while creating a method. I'll try it tonight anyways.

Well, around an hour ago (at 8:30 more or less. Also it's Sunday) I woke up so I decided to go to sleep again.

I fell asleep and my dream had some weird stuff going on and I realised it was a dream. And so I tried to shift with the lucid dream.

I closed my eyes and thought about shifting and that, and I started feeling like I was floating, and moving, and seeing lights, and basically all the basic symptoms.

But then I opened my eyes when ig I shouldn't have and I appeared in a room with a bunch of people.

And again I realised it was a dream, and there was a door in the room, so I thought to use it as a way to shift idk like saying it's a portal or something.

But I bumped into a wall. Don't ask how. I bumped into a freaking wall and woke up.

So yeah. Also the night before I had a lucid dream as well, but it was short and I didn't have time to try to shift before the scenery changed and I forgot I was dreaming.

I might start updating more often because idk I'm feeling like shifting rn and I've got my method and also something I saw on TikTok that I might try at some point.

Well bye


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