New Beginning

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Subaru was struggling to cope with the tingling sensation spreading in his left arm. This sensation was slowly advancing towards his heart, causing him to lose consciousness more with each passing moment. He slowly sank to the ground, the beats of his heart creating a wild melody in his ears. However, this melody was slowing down, turning into a deepening silence of despair.

He felt the cold embrace of death wrapping around him, but there was a glimmer of hope in his mind: the Return by Death ability. This ability offered him the assurance that even if he died, he could return a few hours or days earlier. However, this assurance, while keeping him alive, was also dragging him into a kind of cruel cycle. The price of escaping death would be experiencing the same dead ends of life once more.

He felt lost as if in a labyrinth, both within his inner world and the reality he lived in. Trapped between death and life.

Subaru's body was trembling with a strange warmth, both physical and spiritual, like a wave. This warmth indicated the presence of an unknown energy, as if he were at the center of a power he had never felt in the universe before.

Suddenly, a voice emerged within the silence, neither male nor female, just a voice. Strangely, it was both emotional and emotionless. "Make a deal with me," the voice said, with tones of both an offer and a coercion. "What..." Subaru muttered weakly as his eyes closed, and the voice spoke again, "Do good for me, and I'll set you free."

There was no one around, just this mysterious voice. As if this voice wasn't just coming from inside his head but also creating an atmosphere that intoxicated his entire existence. Subaru, without fully understanding what he was facing, felt himself thrown into a more intricate knot.

Subaru's eyes were half-closed, at the brink of death. "What... goodness?" he weakly repeated. In the final moments of his consciousness, he was trying to understand the source of this voice.

The voice, in a deeper and colder tone, said, "Become a hero." However, these words lacked any emotion or human touch, expressed only with an objective and cold narrative. "Be the one to carry hope into tomorrows, be the one to save everyone," the voice continued. These words held a glimmer of hope but were expressed with a detached tone.

Something inside Subaru was conflicted. This offer was both promising and suspicious. So close to death, while trying to understand the meaning of this voice and the suggestion it offered, the last remnants of hope within him were shaken a bit more. Amidst these mixed emotions, he felt compelled to make a choice between his own freedom and the salvation of others.

Subaru's energy was almost depleted, and his eyes closed. He had no choice but to accept; the hope that everyone would remember him had long vanished. In a deep inner silence, the feeling of helplessness brought about by acceptance intoxicated him.

A sphere made of pure light appeared in the center of the cell, forming a unity with the two circles around it. In that moment, a light emanating from that thing touched Subaru's forehead.

Subaru's body had bright lines originating from his forehead and spreading like tree branches. These lines formed a wave of light that covered his entire body. Each line seemed to represent a flow of some sort of energy; it hinted at both the vitality of nature and the inner power of a mystery. Even though his eyes were closed, in the depths of this moment, he could sense that he was on the verge of a transformation.

Subaru couldn't recall what happened afterward; all he saw was darkness. He had no idea how much time had passed.

"Master Hero," a voice was heard. It was delicate and beautiful, carrying a slight sense of concern. Subaru slowly opened his eyes; it took him a moment to adjust to the light.

The first thing he saw was a young girl looking at him. She was a priestess with dark blue eyes and black hair. She wore a blue and white embroidered robe.

"Where am I..." Subaru murmured. He struggled to stand up and looked around. He was close to a structure that stood in the center, resembling a magical circle, as if he were in a place resembling a medieval castle.

The priestess, seeing Subaru's bewildered gaze, adjusted herself. "I believe it's normal for you to be confused," she said gently, inclining her head slightly. "I am Sister Emma Rose. Master Hero," she said.

Subaru carefully listened to Emma's explanations. What she described seemed almost like the beginnings of an Isekai story from his old world. There's a Demon King reigning with evil; to defeat him, a Hero from another world is summoned, embarking on a journey with companions to vanquish the Demon King. Confronting challenges, growing in strength, making new friends. It might be a cliché, but it was a topic Subaru had always loved.

After Emma's explanations, they were ushered into the presence of the King. Emma arranged a bath and new clothes for Subaru. This gesture gave Subaru a sense of relief and a feeling of a fresh start.

The King stood up, addressing Subaru. The hall fell silent, his voice echoing throughout. "Since ancient times, the legend of a Hero who would vanquish evil has been told," he said, his voice resolute and powerful. "Now, the time for the emergence of the Hero has come again," he continued, looking directly at Subaru. "Tell us, will you bestow your greatness upon this Kingdom?" he asked, scanning Subaru with his eyes.

Despite the feelings of self-doubt within him, Subaru took a deep breath and looked at the King with determination. "Yes, I accept," he said. However, these words were more a reflection of instability and hopelessness rather than genuine hope. His lack of self-confidence, fear of failure, and the impact of past experiences were thoughts gnawing at him internally. Saying "yes" felt more like a compelled response because he had no other choice or hope left.


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