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Natsuki Subaru had reached the deepest point of despair. Everything was over for him; he knew he would remain in this cursed dungeon for eternity. In the cold cell, nothing could be heard except the exchange of breath and the dripping sound of water. Occasionally, when he moved, the clinking of the chains around his neck and arms against the wall could also be heard.

Life was truly a cesspool; everything had been going well before he came here. The attack on the City of Priestella had stopped, everything had gone as planned. The Witch Cult had been defeated.

But everything was destroyed in an instant. While searching for Emilia, the Archbishop of Gluttony had attacked him. When he woke up, he was useless. Later, he encountered Emilia, but she spoke those words that stabbed his heart: "Who are you?"

No one remembered him. The Archbishop of Gluttony had eaten his name; everyone had forgotten him. His friends, all of them had turned their backs on him.

Just when things couldn't get worse, Beatrice accused him of being a Witch Cultist. No one defended him, no one listened to him. Everyone just vented their anger.

He tried to use Return by Death but failed and passed out. When he woke up, he was inside the dungeon, biting his tongue to kill himself. But now it was too late; the Return by Death point had already changed, and he woke up in the dungeon again.

Subaru was trapped in an inescapable deadlock of utter despair. Ghosts of the past haunted his mind, and he battled the darkness alone.

Physical tortures, while shattering his soul, the beatings from Julius not only wounded his body but also scarred his mind. Each time, even if he said he didn't know anything, he was relentlessly beaten and groaned in agony under torture.

After Julius, there was Felix, almost resembling a healer but not only burning his mind and body but also fracturing his soul, he was a master of torture. Coming every day and inflicting pain on him with healing spells, he shattered his nervous system. Subaru was growing weaker every day, suffering in body and soul, being tossed in the whirlpool of despair. He was now lost in the dark waters of exhaustion and helplessness.

A small chuckle escaped Natsuki Subaru's lips. A twisted smile appeared on his face. Then, he began to laugh maniacally, throwing his laughter around, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAA."

This situation harbored a supernatural irony. Those who once extended a helping hand were now tormenting him, signaling a tragicomic transformation. He seemed buried in ruthless humor. The world was like a comedy movie to him now; he was trapped in a tragicomic script.

His laughter, attempting to cover up the pain within, mocked reality. At any moment, he felt like surrendering himself to the dark waters of madness. Although that merciless irony seemed to gnaw at his soul, it gave him a sense of peculiarity and convinced him that everything was a meaningless comedy.

Subaru's laughter slowly faded, replaced by tears and heartfelt sobs. "Why? Why? Why?" He could only think of this question. He was in a deep internal impasse, why couldn't he do anything right? This question he asked himself was like a recurring loop of a nightmare, unanswered, painful, and continuously repeated, causing him to get lost in a constantly repeating problem.

"It's my fault..." he murmured, thinking he should have been better in his inner world. He should have been braver, stronger, smarter. But at the core of his inner inquiries, if someone like him couldn't protect something, did he have the right to possess it? As he questioned himself, the complex emotions within him trapped him in a maze. As his self-respect and confidence eroded, he felt that these thoughts were driving him into deeper despair.


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