"Shut up. You know I can't do that." Jimin said, although a smile crept it's way onto his face as he thought about it. "And she hasn't done anything to me personally, so..."

"Fine, fine, I'll let it go. I hope you know I was betting on Jikook." Taehyung pouted and Jimin fought the blush that was steadily appearing on his face.

Me too, Jimin thought to himself, sighing. They entered the lounge, wincing at the bright lights and the already booming music. Taehyung ran off to greet Hyunjin, who he'd become close friends with and Jimin was left alone for a few moments, absorbing the colourfully lit room with a smile.

He wasn't alone for long though, and flinched when he felt someone latch onto his arm. "Help, I don't know anyone here." He heard Jina say nervously and looked down with a chuckle.

"What?" Jimin put an arm around her shoulder and laughed with her, "Where did Jihyung go?"

"I dont know, some guy called Sunghoon started talking to him and they hit it off."

"Well, I was alone too, thanks for rescuing me." Jimin smiled, "Your hair looks nice." Jina had straightened it for once, and she beamed. She'd finally got the chance to let her multiple piercings show, and grinned when Jimin admired them.

"Your hair looks amazing, please. How'd you decide on blonde?" She'd been curious about it since she saw her father's hair. She never knew he could be so rebellious.

"It was originally going to be purple, can you believe that?" Jimin laughed. "Well, Namjoon caught me in the act and said it wasn't very 'stealth,' so I had to stick to blonde."

"Well, it's perfect either way." Jina said, and Jimin smiled at the young teenager's words, ruffling her hair slightly.

"Thank you. That was oddly comforting." Jimin admitted. "Anyway, come, meet Hoseok."

"Ah, our new super spy." Hoseok smiled wide, instantly making Jina less nervous. "Now that I look at you up close, you two look very similar."

"Except the blonde hair." Jina said wistfully, trying to avoid the topic. "I wish my parents let me dye my hair."

"How could someone say no to you?" Jimin's eyebrows furrowed, "You're way too charming."

Jina smiled to herself, if only he knew. "Tell that to my dad."

"We're talking about Dad?" Jihyung's voice came from behind them and Jina turned, just as he gave her a warning glance.

"God, you're tall, how old were you again?" Jimin said, making Hoseok snort.

"20." Jihyung lied smoothly, making Jina let out a breath. Jimin looked impressed and even raised an eyebrow.

"And you, mini-Jimin?" Hoseok asked, making Jihyung widen his eyes and give Jina look.

"18, just turned 18 a few months ago." Technically it was true, her birthday had been a few months prior.

"Only 18?" Another voice joined the conversation, and Jimin's breath hitched as Jungkook came into full view. He was wearing a tight black turtleneck and matching slacks, his boots making him tower over everyone else even more. He smiled at Jihyung and clasped Jina on the shoulder, who was still hovering next to Jimin. "Jimin-ssi." Jina noticed Jungkook's eyes rake over Jimin's body quickly and then stop at his smile. Her Dad had always loved Jimin's smile.

"Hyung for you." Jimin said, but his voice was teasing. "Lisa's not with you?"

They saw Jungkook hesitate, "Um, no. She wasn't feeling too well."

Everyone else agreed, but Jimin saw straight through him. They locked eyes for a moment and Jungkook shifted uncomfortably, trying to avoid the spy's questioning gaze. Jimin decided to forget it about it for the time being, he'd ask Jungkook later.

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