Two months later

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(Two months later)

Olivia and I walk hand in hand into English. We take our seats and our books out. During the lesson, I get bored, blocking out Mrs Reynold's voice and doodling in my book. I glance at Olivia and see her head resting in her palm. Her head is nodding off as she's falling asleep. I watch her quietly and smile.

I glance at the upper corner of my desk, where Olivia etched her last name on it a while ago. My last name was etched on the opposite corner.

I take my pen out, and I write "Rodrigo + Y/L/N" on the bottom corner of the desk now. I draw a heart around it.

When the bell rings, I gently nudge Olivia, pulling her out of her sleep. I take her hand and lead her to the hallways, as we walk towards our lunch table now.

"Sleepy?" I ask

She nods softly, rubbing her eyes tiredly. "I blame you. You ruined my sleep schedule"

I smile, recalling how late we were up last night talking on the phone and watching each other through our windows. I arch my eyebrow at her, "I'm pretty sure you were the one that called me"

Olivia rolls her eyes playfully, leaning her head on my shoulder as we continue walking. When we make it to the cafeteria, we sit down at our lunch table, the rest of the group having several different conversations.

Isa speaks up, "You guys won't believe who we saw yesterday! I was at the gym with Hardin, and we bumped into someone by the squat racks"

Hardin smiles, his arm around Isa, waiting for her to tell the story. Olivia and I exchange a knowing glance. Our matchmaking skills turned out successful. They'd been going strong for about a month now.

"Was it a celebrity?" Jenna asks, munching on her chips. Conan and Iris look at Isa intently waiting for the answer.

Isa looks around, before speaking, "Nope. It was Mrs Sawyer! and she was squatting like 3 plates!"

We all looked at her with our jaws dropped.

"I fucking knew it. She would so win against Mrs Reynolds" Iris squeals and high fives Jenna.

Conan and I look at each other in disbelief. 3 plates? Who knew Mrs Sawyer was jacked.

I glance around the cafeteria and catch a sight of Josh. He was sitting next to Maya. Apparently they had started talking again. But this time Josh had realised how much Maya deserved and he started making it up to her after he had moved on from Olivia.

Olivia, uninterested in the conversation, moves closer to me, "Come over to mine after school?"

I look at her, smiling and nod.


I lay down on Olivia's bed, flipping through her old photo albums. Olivia lays next to me, her head propped up on her elbow.

I come across a picture of Olivia when she was younger, sticking her tongue out and holding a peace sign. Her hair is in pigtail with strands of pink in them. I smile and take out my phone and take a picture of it.

"Wow Liv, look how cool you were back then"

"Back then? You saying I'm not cool anymore?" she feigns offence.

I play along, teasing her. I stay quiet and act like I didn't hear her question. Instead, I point to another photo, "Oh my gosh, your mom looks so pretty here"

"Hey!" She playfully shoves me and I burst into laughter, "You are so rude"

"I'm joking I'm joking. You are cool" I reassure her. "You've got that Regina George vibe going on"

She shoves me again and I laugh louder, a knock on her door interrupting us.

Jennifer pops her head in, "Y/N, it's a school night. I told your mom, I'd make sure you go home"

"Mom" Olivia whines.

Jennifer shoots a warning glare, "I know you two will stay up all night if she stays over. Y/N go home"

I sit up, following Jennifer's orders "Okay, I'll just say goodnight to Olivia".

Jennifer closes the door and I turn to Olivia. She sits up next to me and glances at the clock. I glance at the clock too. 11pm. Wow, I didn't even know it was that late.

I look at her with a soft smile, "I guess I'll see you tomorrow"

She gives me a playful pout and I chuckle. I quickly peck her lips before standing up. I grab my bag before heading to her door. I look back at Olivia who was sitting on her bed, watching me now.

"Goodnight, neighbour"

"Night, neighbour" she replies softly.

I turn the doorknob and start to walk out until Olivia makes her way toward me and grabs my arm. "Wait" she says.

She grabs my face and kisses me. I lean in to the kiss, and we stay like this for a bit. After a few moments she pulls away, "Okay, now you can go"

I chuckle, my face slightly red from blushing. I turn around and walk out before I change my mind and get in trouble from Jennifer.

When I walk inside my house, I spot David washing the dishes. He turns to me, "Hey kiddo. Don't forget to lock the door."

I smile and lock the door behind me. David has practically been living here for the past few weeks. He and mom and are officially together now and I've never seen her happier.

"Hi David. Where's mom?"

"She's taking a shower. Have fun at Olivia's?"

"Always," I smile cheekily. "I'm going to bed now. Goodnight, David. Tell mom I said goodnight"

"I will. Sleep tight, Y/N" He smiles, turning his attention back to the dishes.

I walk into my bedroom, dropping my bag next to my bed and changing into my pyjamas. I move the curtains slightly to look at Olivia's bedroom. She's in her pyjamas as well sitting on her bed and facing the window, as if she was waiting for me.

She notices me she smiles and waves. I wave back, smiling.

She grabs her notepad from her lap and holds it against the window

"I LOVE YOU!" it reads.

I laugh and grab the folded piece of paper from my bedside table. I unfold it and straighten it out before holding it up to my window.


you belong with me - Olivia RodrigoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora