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My eyes widen at the food in front of me. I sit at the dining table next to my mom, Olivia across from me, and Jennifer across from my mom.

A man, whom I'm guessing is Olivia's dad, is in a formal uniform sitting at the end of the table next to Jennifer and my mom.

After introductions with Chris, Olivia's dad, we dig into the food. It's lasagna with a side salad and some garlic bread. My mom also has a glass of red wine.

I take my first bite and try my best not to moan.

This was the best goddamn lasagna I've ever had. In fact, it's the best home-cooked meal I've ever had, no offense to my mom. She was never the best cook, and we didn't have a lot of money, so it was either frozen prepackaged meals or takeaways.

The adults engage in their own conversation while Olivia and I stay silent. Olivia wears a bored expression on her face, and I notice she's acting cold again, as if we weren't laughing over Taylor Swift just a few minutes ago.

From overhearing the adults' conversation, I found out that Jennifer works as an administrator at an office, and Chris works as a therapist.

Meanwhile, I'm going beast mode on the lasagna. I'm halfway through my plate when Mom kicks me under the table. I flinch and groan, drawing everyone's attention.

"Sorry, I bit my tongue by accident," I clear my throat. Everyone returns their focus to their own dinners while I shoot a look to Mom.

"What was that for?" I whisper next to her.

"Slow down, the food's not going anywhere," she whispers back. She curls her lips and widens her eyes, like how moms usually do when they warn you.

I eat slower, counting my chews before swallowing. My eyes literally close themselves and I sigh in content. This lasagna is amazing, I hope I can grab seconds.

I feel a pair of eyes on me and look up to see Olivia already looking at me while chewing her food. Oh my god did she just see me practically orgasm eating her mom's food? I need to calm down. I look back down embarrassingly and eat normally.

"So y/n are you going to Westview High? the same school as Olivia?" Chris asks, swirling his wine glass in his hand. "Yes I am. I actually used to go there three years ago before we moved to Glendale for a while", I take a sip of water, "it's weird though, I don't recognise Olivia"

I glance at Olivia who remains disinterested in the conversation, focused on her food.

"We actually moved here three years ago. We must've just missed you when you moved away," Jennifer says.

"Why did you guys move away, if you don't mind me asking?" Jennifer inquires. Olivia lifts her eyes to meet mine, showing a hint of interest in hearing the answer.

"We found out my dad was boning his younger coworke-"

"I got a divorce, and we decided that it was best for a change of environment, right, Y/N?" Mom quickly interrupted, kicking my shin harder than last time.

Ouch. What? I was just stating the facts. It's not like we were in the wrong. Besides, I was just trying to make this dinner a little bit more entertaining.

The table falls silent. Jennifer clears her throat, noticing the sudden shift in mood. She reaches for the spoon on the shared plate of lasagna. "Oh, there's one last piece of lasagna left," she remarks, glancing over everyone's plate.

Chris and my mom are still enjoying their lasagna. Olivia's plate is empty, and I'm munching on the garlic bread.

"Olivia dear, did you want it?" Jennifer asks, the spoon of lasagna hovering over Olivia's empty plate.

Olivia sits up, her eyes quickly scanning the lasagna, her plate, my plate, and then meeting mine. She looks back at Jennifer. "No, thanks, Mom."

Jennifer's eyebrows furrow, and she pouts. "Are you sure? You love my lasagna, you always go for seconds."

Olivia puts her hand on her stomach and groans. "I'm really full, it's okay."

Is it just me, or did she give up the lasagna for me? Did she feel bad because I just admitted that my dad left us for someone 10 years younger than him? Nah, why would she even care? She's probably genuinely full.

Jennifer looks at me and smiles. "Y/N, did you want—"


Mom kicks me AGAIN. My shin is going to be really bruised tomorrow.

My mom clenches her jaw before addressing Jennifer, "Sorry. She acts like I don't feed her at home." Mom chuckles in embarrassment before giving me a side-eye.

Olivia is looking down, trying not to laugh, the sides of her mouth slightly curled.

Jennifer laughs wholeheartedly before plopping the spoon of lasagna onto my plate, "I'm glad you like it, honey. I love when people love my food."

She scrapes the sides of the sharing dish and makes sure that ALL of the lasagna goes to me. "I guess we'll just have to invite you over again when I make it next time." Olivia shoots a warning look to her mom, but she doesn't notice.

I glance over at my mom and smirk. I congratulate myself silently. At least I've made a good impression on Jennifer.


After dinner, Mom and I walk back inside our house. She walks up to me and flicks my forehead.

"OW?! What the fuck, mom" I rub my forehead

"Seriously? Did you have to vacuum the lasagna with your mouth? And did you have to say 'boning his younger coworker?' What the fuck is wrong with you?" She folds her arms while looking at me.

"But it kinda worked, didn't it? Jennifer said she'll invite us over for more dinners in the future." I smile slightly at her, knowing she wasn't actually mad at me.

A smile slowly creeps onto her face, and she hugs me. "Yeah, I guess it's hard not to like your odd personality."

I think about my pretty neighbour again. She didn't seem keen on having us over again for dinner. I guess I'll just have to keep working my charms on her. I'm sure she'll like me sooner or later.

you belong with me - Olivia RodrigoWhere stories live. Discover now