let's help each other then

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It was Sunday afternoon and I've been looking forward to dinner at the Rodrigos the whole day. I told mom about Jennifer inviting us over and she was thrilled that she didn't have to buy anything for dinner.

Now I'm holed up in my room, listening to some music, and counting down the minutes. I've checked the clock for what feels like the hundredth time in the past hour, and it's only 5 pm.

Two more hours to go until Mom and I head over to our neighbour's house. The wait is getting to me.

I walk downstairs to bother my mom because the boredom is killing me.

"What're you up to, Mom?" I ask, looking at her as she folds the laundry.

She glances at me with a smirk. "Doing the laundry. Want to help?"

Suddenly, I'm not bored and there is so much I can do in my bedroom that doesn't involve laundry. But before I can make my escape and retreat back to my room, she tosses a bag of clothes my way, and I'm forced to fold clothes for the next hour. At least I have something to distract me from thinking about dinner.

When we finish up with the laundry, I head back to my room. I glance at the clock - 6pm. One hour to go. My stomach starts to growl at the anticipation. What should I do for the next hour?

Boredom strikes again, so I turn my attention to the window, curious about what my pretty neighbour is up to. I catch a glimpse of her lying on her stomach, headphones on, and her phone in hand.

Hehe. What's there better to do than annoy Olivia?

I grabbed my school notebook and a marker and I wrote in big, bold letters on the page: "I AM HUNGRY >:("

I walked up to my window, waving my hands like an idiot to grab Olivia's attention. Finally, she turned her head when she saw me out of the corner of her eye. I pressed the notebook against the window.

She rolls her eyes, but I notice a small smile on her face. She stands up from her bed and goes through her backpack. She pulls out a notepad and a marker and starts writing. She pushes the notepad up on the window.

"STOP TRYING TO BE TAYLOR SWIFT," Olivia's notepad read.

I realise that she's referring to the 'You Belong with Me' music video and how the two write notes to each other through the window. I burst into laughter.

I give her a thumbs down and I quickly flipped the page in my notebook and write, "IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE, I SWEAR."


Mom and I are sitting at the Rodrigo's dining table again. This time, Chris is absent. It's just me across from Olivia, and mom across from Jennifer.

Jennifer made Steak and roast potatoes with some greens on the side this time. My mom doesn't show it like I do but I can tell that she enjoys these dinners as much as I do. If Jennifer had a restaurant I would seriously eat there everyday.

"Thank you so much for inviting us over again, Jennifer. It's very nice of you to cook for us. I would love to invite you, Olivia, and Chris over sometime as well, but my cooking is horrendous," Mom explained.

I nodded in agreement, especially at that last part. Mom noticed my overenthusiasm and shot me a warning look. I immediately stopped nodding and smiled embarrassingly.

I was just joking jeez.

"Oh, no worries, Lauren. I love cooking for others. You two are welcome anytime. It was actually Olivia's ide—"

"MOM!" Olivia interrupted, her outside voice slipping out. We all looked at her weirdly. She quickly cleared her throat and continued, "Can you pass me the potatoes, please?"

I use all the strength in me not to make it obvious that I am screaming on the inside.

No. Fucking. Way. It was Olivia's idea to invite us over for dinner again? Why would she do that? Is this her way of thanking me for trying to cheer her up? I am SO telling Isa about this later.

As we finished dinner, Jennifer asked Olivia to wash the dishes and kindly offered my mom a glass of wine. Mom gratefully accepted, seemingly not wanting the night to end just yet.

I shot a silent question at her, wondering if she was okay with drinking alcohol, considering her recent recovery from addiction. She nodded in understanding, whispering, "Just one, dear."

Trusting her words, I decided to join Olivia in the kitchen, leaving Mom to unwind with Jennifer. It's nice seeing them get along.

Standing next to Olivia, I grabbed a dishtowel, ready to dry the dishes she washed and placed on the rack.

I think back to the moment earlier at dinner and remember Olivia getting embarrassed at her mom accidentally exposing that it was actually her who wanted us to come over for dinner.

A smug smile creeps up on my face.

Olivia kept her eyes on the dishes, warning me, "I swear to God, y/n, if you don't wipe that smug smile off your face right now, I'm so serious."

I couldn't resist teasing her, "Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?"

She continued scrubbing the knife in front of her, threatening, "I'll use this on you."

"But then how are you gonna invite me over for dinner next time?"

Olivia splashes me with water, and I burst into laughter, hiding my face behind the dishtowel.

It was all just jokes. I found it endearing that she had suggested the idea to invite us over for dinner again herself.

With the dishes now finished, my mom and Jennifer appeared deeply engrossed in their conversation. It was clear that my mom had no intention of heading home anytime soon. Not wanting to go home just yet either, I decide to follow Olivia into her room.

I sit in the small bedroom chair while she sits on the bed. This brings back major deja vu to the first time we went to their house for dinner. I look over to her bedside table, and the polaroid of her and Josh is still on there. I was curious.

"Are you and Josh okay now?"

Olivia bit her lip, taking a moment before answering, "No. I think he's going out with Maya. That blonde chick from the party." She frowned, "I'm kind of scared. I think we broke up for good this time."

I look down, uncertain about what to say.

I didn't want to say anything because I didn't know much about her and Josh's relationship, but from what I'd observed, it seemed like he took her for granted.

"What about you and Jenna?" Olivia asks. Panic set in.

So she did notice. Were we that obvious? Did everyone suspect something between me and Jenna now?

I play dumb, "What about me and Jenna?"

"Don't bullshit. You know things about my love life. You have to tell me about yours now. You and Jenna had history, right?" Olivia seemed to possess a superpower for reading people, and I wondered how she able to gather all that information from one game of Never Have I Ever.

"Fine. There was history. But she clearly doesn't want anyone to know," I admit, unable to hide my disappointment.

"And she has a boyfriend now, so forget it," I add, trying to convince myself more than Olivia.

"Do you want to get her back?"

"I don't know."

"Looks like you do to me."

"I thought you told me to mind my own business, remember? Why are you in mine?" I ask, pestering her in return. "Do you want Josh back?"

"I don't know."

"See? It's hard, isn't it?"

Who would've thought. Olivia and I are sitting in the same room talking bout our shared pain for our exes.

"Let's help each other then," she proposes.

"Huh? How?"

"Be my girlfriend," Olivia says, looking at me with confidence.

you belong with me - Olivia RodrigoWhere stories live. Discover now