A good friend.

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After my heartfelt conversation with Isa, I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. It felt good letting it all out and it felt even better than I no longer had to lie to my best friend. We decide to head back to the party and enjoy the rest of the night.

Isa stands up from the bed and offers me a hand. I take it and stand up. Immediately, I lose my balance and stumble to the side, Isa grabbings my arms and holding me up.

I guess the vodka is starting to take full effect. The whole room is moving now.

"You good?" Isa asks, laughing slightly

"Yeah yeah. I feel great" I smile widely, my mood much lighter than before. Everything is funnier when you're under the influence.

Isa and I make our way downstairs, though it takes us a bit longer than it usually would. I hold Isa's arm tightly going down and make my way down slowly, step by step, trying not to make it obvious how gone I was.

As we reach the end of the stairs, I feel a hand on my shoulder, turning me around. It's Olivia.

She's so pretty. I could stare at her all day. Her dress shows off her cleavage and I struggle to keep my eyes off of her chest.

"Hey, where have you been? I haven't seen you, like, the whole night," Olivia says, a concerned look on her face.

I try to focus on her words, but the room is still spinning a bit. "Oh, just took a break upstairs with Isa. Needed a breather," I explain, a goofy smile on my face.

Olivia chuckles, "Well, you're looking like you had more than a breather. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm great. You look gorgeous by the way, I don't know if I told you earlier" I say, probably a bit too enthusiastically.

I accidentally let my gaze fall down towards her chest and I quickly look up, hoping that she didn't notice that.

Isa, who's standing next to me, shoots me a look that screams 'pull yourself together.' I try to straighten up, but it only makes me feel more lightheaded.

Olivia raises an eyebrow, clearly amused. "Well, thank you. I must say, you don't look too bad yourself."

"But you need to watch yourself, neighbour. My eyes are up here" She smirks pointing to her eyes, and I realise that I am again looking at her cleavage.

Oh my god, I can't stop staring at them. I blush and completely shut my eyes. Out of sight out of mind.

Isa steps in, saving me from further embarrassment. "We should probably head back to the party, guys. Don't want to miss out all the fun"

As we make our way back to the crowded living room, Olivia pulls me closer, and I try my best to focus on the rhythm of the music. I catch glimpses of Josh across the room, looking irritated as he watches Olivia and me together.

As the night progresses, I find myself dancing with Olivia, trying to match her energy despite the woozy feeling in my head. I start to enjoy myself. This alcohol is really helping.

At some point, Jenna appears in the crowd, and my gaze involuntarily locks onto hers. She shoots me a puzzled and somewhat concerned look.

I wonder what Jenna thinks about Olivia and me. I feel bad for being so harsh with her earlier. I attempt a smile, but it probably comes off as more awkward than reassuring.

Olivia twirls me around, and we both break into laughter. She brings her face closer to mine, her arms lightly stretched out on my shoulders. I wrap my hands around her waist, bringing our bodies closer together, moving along to the music.

Her lips brush against my ear as she speaks, "You put on a pretty good act, neighbour. Josh can't take his eyes off us." Her smirk is playful, but her eyes betray a hint of something more.

Right, this is supposed to be an act.

In that moment, I forget about the plan. All I can focus on is Olivia and the connection between us I so desperately yearn for. I can feel the warmth of Olivia's body on mine and I think about how much I love this feeling.

As the song comes to an end, Olivia doesn't let go. She leans in, and before I can register what's happening, her lips meet mine in a soft, lingering kiss. The kiss is tender and filled with a mix of emotions. The world stops for a moment, and I forget where I am. Olivia pulls back slightly, her eyes searching mine for a reaction.

It's not real, Y/N.

I muster a smile, but my mind is racing. The night continues and Olivia and I keep up the act but I can't stop thinking about the kiss.

Parts of the night start to become a blur and I wonder how much of this party I'll remember tomorrow morning.

At the end of the night, Olivia drives me home as she didn't drink anything. The car ride home is quiet other than the soft music from her playlist.

"Y/N, I appreciate you being a part of this with me. You're a good friend."

A good friend.

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