sugar daddy?

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Isa sighs next to me as we walk to class, "When will I find a boyfriend, Y/N?"

I chuckle next to her, "Maybe when you stop scowling at every boy you meet"

"I feel like high school boys are so gross. I kind of want an older man"

We look at each other, "A sugar daddy?" we both say at the same time, laughing.

I stop by my locker, grabbing the books I need for my next class, "Don't worry, Isa. If you stop looking for love it will find you"

"Easy for you to say when you're dating the most popular girl in school" Isa scoffs and rolls her eyes, "You're lucky"

I glance at Olivia from across the hallway, watching her smile and laugh with Conan and Iris. Butterflies fill my stomach, and a grin spreads across my face. Yeah, I am lucky.

"You guys have been officially dating for like what now? Two weeks?"

"Sixteen days."

"You're counting the days? Oh, you're down bad, Y/N."

I roll my eyes, trying to play off the embarrassment. I put my books inside my bag and shut my locker. "Whatever, hater. What about that guy you were talking about last week?"

"Ethan? Nah. He gave me the ick when he dropped his coins on the ground at the arcade and started chasing them when they rolled away from him."

Okay, that's a reasonable ick, I guess.

I think about the boys at school who would fit Isa's type. I quickly scan the hallway to see if there are any cute guys around.

"What about that guy? Look," I subtly point to a guy taking books out of his own locker, and Isa turns around to look. "He looks like your type. Brown-haired, athletic, tall, and handsome."

A voice from behind me interrupts, "Who's athletic, tall, and handsome?"

I turn to look, and it's the love of my life, who has moved from the other side of the hallway to be next to me. Olivia snakes her arms around my waist and hugs me from the side. She arches her eyebrow, giving me a playful glare.

Isa grins mischievously, playing along. "Just someone we spotted in the hallway, Liv. No one special."

I smirk, knowing Olivia's playing jealous, "Yeah, just some tall, athletic, handsome guy."

Olivia narrows her eyes and her grip around my waist tightens slightly. "Oh, really now? Tall, athletic, and handsome? Sounds like the whole package" she scoffs.

Isa chuckles, "Alright, alright. No need to get all territorial, Liv. Y/N's just helping me find my next boyfriend."

I place my arm around Olivia, "Yeah don't worry, Liv. You're the only tall, athletic, handsome one for me." I joke.

"Good answer." Olivia grins, leaning in and planting a quick kiss on my cheek. Isa makes a gagging noise but we both ignore it.

Olivia looks around, "So who's Isa's next potential boyfriend?"

I point towards the guy I was talking about. He's leaning against the locker now, talking to one of his friends.

"Ohhhh that guy? That's Hardin. He's on the basketball team and he's a senior. He's friends with Josh"

Isa bites her lip, "He's a senior? That makes him even hotter"

I chuckle and raise my eyebrow at Olivia. We nod to each other and start walking towards Hardin's direction. I grab Isa's hand and drag her along my side.

you belong with me - Olivia RodrigoWhere stories live. Discover now