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Friday's here, officially marking a week since my return. Mom's picked up a job at the local diner, so she's hardly home these days. That leaves me with loads of free time, and sometimes I catch glimpses of Olivia through my window.

Not in a creepy way, I swear.

She usually closes her curtains as soon as she spots me, but mine stay wide open. It's a bit entertaining watching her get all worked up whenever she catches me peeking.

Isa and I have become super close. We sit together at lunch every single day and share laughs in our shared classes. However, Jenna seems to have taken to avoiding me in the hallways. If she sees me coming, she darts off in the opposite direction or sticks to her boyfriend, Alex, like glue.

So I've started ignoring her too—no need for unnecessary drama.

Isa and I are just hanging out by our lockers, waiting for the morning bell to ring. She's in front of her mirror, doing a quick makeup touch-up, and I'm just watching her. I bring up this ongoing rivalry I seem to have with Olivia.

Leaning in closer, I try to keep our conversation hushed. "You won't believe what happened yesterday," I whisper, glancing over at Olivia's locker. "I think she was having a fight with Josh. She was shouting at her phone, tears streaming down her face. I couldn't catch everything she said, but she was MAD."

Isa smirks, giving me a knowing look. "They probably broke up again. For like the hundredth time this month."

I roll my eyes and shrug. "Yeah, probably. She caught me looking, and I actually felt kinda bad. So, I mouthed to her, 'Are you okay?'"

Isa raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "What did she say?"

I chuckle at the memory. "She froze for like five seconds and then just flicked me the finger and closed her curtains."

Isa bursts into laughter, shaking her head. "Man, she's something else."

"Exactly! I was trying to be nice for once! I mean, I enjoy seeing her get annoyed, but why does she hate me so much?" I express, genuinely puzzled by the whole situation.

Isa leans in and shrugs, offering her perspective. "Well, she's the most popular girl in school, and we're just like background characters in her story. She probably thinks you're not worthy of her friendship."

She doesn't even know me. I can be the best friend ever.

Why do I even care so much? It's not like I want to be friends with her. Do I? I want her mom's dinners though. High school hierarchies are so stupid.

"Who cares? I've got you, and that's all I need."

Isa smiles, and we share a fist bump before our attention is diverted by the commotion in the hallway. A tall boy with short, dark brown hair, dressed in basketball shorts, calls out for everyone's attention. It's Alex.


A wave of excitement ripples through the crowd as people cheer in response. Several other boys from the basketball team rush over to him, exchanging enthusiastic dap-ups and high-fives.  I couldn't help but notice my ex-friend and first love standing next to him. She holds her books with her arms crossed in front of her, her expression clear: she's uncomfortable and waiting for her boyfriend to finish chatting with his friends.

I don't get it. He's so not her type.

The Jenna I knew three years ago would've been rolling her eyes and making fun of the basketball team for being so obnoxious and loud at 8am in the morning.

Isa turns to me, her eyes wide with excitement, and a big smile on her face. "We're going, right?" she asks eagerly.

Isa always loved a bit of fun. She was the type of person who'd be down for anything.

I take a moment to think it over. Normally, I'd be up for a party, but this one was different. It was my first love's boyfriend's party, and I couldn't help but wonder if I really wanted to spend the night watching them together.

"I don't know, Isa..." I reply, my gaze shifting to Jenna, who is standing next to Alex, holding his arm as he chats with his friends.

Isa's enthusiasm doesn't waver. "Forget Jenna! If she doesn't want to be friends with us, then she doesn't deserve us. Come on, Y/N, you can't ignore her forever. Alex's parties are known for being a good time. Let's have some fun!"

Isa's words tug at me, and I consider her perspective. Maybe it was time to let go of the past and enjoy the present. With a sigh and a reluctant smile, I nod. "You're right, Isa. Fuck it, let's do it."

The morning bell rings and as I am walking to my class I catch a glimpse of Olivia standing at her locker. Josh is not by her side like he usually is. They definitely broke up.

I quickly study her face as I pass by. Olivia doesn't have the same radiant glow that I'm used to seeing. She looks up and meets my eyes.

Her face doesn't have her bored expression that she usually greets me with. Instead there's a slight frown. Iris and Conan, her friends, are standing next to her comforting her.

Walking towards my English class, I couldn't help but think about our little seat battle. Olivia and I had been low-key fighting over that unassigned assigned seat by the window all week. She'd usually get there before me and give me this sly look as I begrudgingly took the seat next to her.

But, man, there was that one time I got there early, and she had to sit next to me. "Too slow, neighbour" I winked. It was so satisfying seeing her jaw twitch.

I couldn't help but feel bad though. She didn't even have the heart to glare at me this morning. She must be really heartbroken over lanky boy Josh.

Fine, I'll give the seat to her.

I sit next to my unassigned assigned seat and wait for the lesson to begin. Olivia walked in a bit later, and I could see her eyebrows shoot up in surprise when she realised I'd given up the spot for her.

She took the seat, and I didn't say a word, just stared at the whiteboard. Doesn't mean I'm giving up the seat forever; I'm just feeling a bit nice today.

As Mrs. Reynolds began the lesson, I couldn't shake the feeling of someone's eyes on me.

you belong with me - Olivia RodrigoWhere stories live. Discover now