Chapter 20

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Hadrian's POV:
As I woke for the second time today I was alone again but heard whispers coming from the living room area so I decided to go see what was going on.
"Luci he needs rules like I have or this will be repeated and he can't be punished," Sev growled which caused a shiver to run through me.
"He's not ready sev we haven't been with him long enough it'll scare him off sev I didn't give you rules till we were together 6 months," Lucius whispered back with a hint of worry.
"Yes because I messed up and you couldn't punish me luc we can't just have him refuse to talk to us his rules have been written out and who knows who's been punishing him till now as you know Ravanas have their creatures from they are 11 they only have mates from 16 so who knows who has the authority over him currently," Sev replied angrily.
"Okay we will discuss it and if he agrees then we will give him his rules and punishments alright," Lucius replied as I knocked on the door frame to let them know.
"Sorry heard your voices and they sounded urgent and important didn't know if I should hear or not," I told them while looking down.
"Come here breakfast is on the counter grab a plate then come sit alright," Luc told me while I nodded and he grabbed the plate once I sat down they both looked at me and I grew worried.
"Hades you know how Ravanas have rules and punishments depending on their creature and their needs," Severus explained and I nodded.
"Yeah, Uncle Remy has been my caretaker since I was 13 as I never felt comfortable until he came along though I've only got two punishments and I feel if he finds out about me staving again I'll be punished again. As I went through my wizarding inheritance last year but my creature one was when I was 11," I told them which they nodded.
"Okay, do you want us to take over and give you new rules and punishments Angel?" Lucius asked which I nodded to.
"Yeah, mates will protect me and help me be better!" I told them and they smiled and then left the room before returning with two pieces of parchment.
"So we have written out your rules and punishments if you want anything added or removed give us a valid reason and it will be tough if you are uncomfortable with something on the list that can be removed just for that alright," Lucius explains which I nodded my head before looking at the rules.

1. Always tell someone when something is wrong.
2. Never do anything that makes you uncomfortable
3. Never tell lies
4. Always do as you are told
5. Never talk bad about yourself
6. Never harm yourself
7. Always tell when in creature space or subspace
8. Always call master and sir in the bedroom
9. Always wear mating jewellery (when given)
10. Ask before eating sweets or treats
11. Always tell us before going out
12. Always ask for help when needed
13. Always do work before enjoyment time
14. Never drink recklessly

After I finished reading the rules I nodded.
"That all seems fair though if they were put in place at Christmas I would've broken at least 4 rules the past few weeks," I told them and they nodded.
"Wait how four?" Sev questioned curious and I looked down.
"We'll number 1 as I didn't tell you something was wrong, number 3 as I lied that I was okay to everyone, number 5 as I spoke bad about myself a lot and number 6 as staving myself is harmful," I explained and they both nodded.
"At least you saw what you did wrong," Luc told me and I nodded before looking at the punishments while Luc left the room for a minute.

1. We get to pick clothes
2. No clothes for bed
3. No treats
4. Early bedtime
5. Time out
6. No going out
7. Only call master and sir
8. Spanking
9. Extra school work/ study time
10. Only allowed to crawl while in the room
11. No touching

After reading over them all Luc had returned and sat down again before we started to discuss these.
"I'm alright with each of these they aren't too bad," I told them and they nodded at me before presenting another piece of parchment which I was confused about.
"But rules and punishments have been done what's this?" I asked confused.
"Your rewards for the end of each month if you are good so December Sev didn't get any because he kept recklessly drinking but in January he has been good so far so he will get a reward," Lucius explained which I nodded eagerly wanting to look at them.

1. New clothes
2. New supplies
3. New books
4. New equipment
5. Sweets and treats
6. Later bedtime
7. Pleasure time
8. Extra cuddles
9. Date nights
10. Free time off classes
11. Longer Hogsmeade trips
12. Holidays
13. Extra money to spend

After finished reading I nodded in agreement.
"I like that list a lot, especially cuddle and date nights," I told them and they nodded before cuddling me into them.
"Good as we love you, little Angel!" Luc told me as we stayed cuddled together for a while.

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