Chapter 16

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Hadrian's POV:
We return to Hogwarts today which I'm not too happy about because Dumbledore said I'm only allowed to stay with Severus twice a week which means I have to either stay in my dorm or stay with Remy, Siri and Dray which is so annoying as then they can't have alone time. I hate my dorm room though as Ron is severely homophobic and always makes fun of my weight which I am not pleased about as sometimes it does get in my head.
Before we left for the train Lucius gave me a necklace that had the inscription 'notre roi' which means our king in French and a bracelet with our birthstones on it from Severus. So now I'm sitting on the train with Draco, Neville and Luna talking about what we think will come of this year which I think it'll be pretty good since Sev has been helping me with potions and everyone else has been helping with their subjects that they were best at. I learnt a lot and feel more confident in going for my exams now which is good.
As we were relaxing I decided to go for a walk as my legs were getting sore so I left the compartment and headed out only to run into Ron, Hermione and Ginny.
"Oh look fatty decided to walk around for once instead of staying on his arse!" Ron laughed as I looked away trying to find a way to go around them.
"I don't know who would even love him because he's so fat at least I'm willing to be with someone like you!" Ginny purred which I flinched away from before turning and heading back to the compartment to just sleep the rest of the journey.
Once we all got seated for dinner I decided that I would sit at Gryffindor for dinner but only have a small amount as I feel like their comments are true I have gained a lot of weight and I feel fat but I was hoping that I wadi not feeling that way and I didn't look it. Once I heard them say that I knew I needed to lose some weight before I could be with Severus and Lucius as they wouldn't be interested in me if I was so fat and ate so much food.
I took a few bites of food before leaving to head to bed for the night and decided until I lost weight I wouldn't visit Sev or see Luci so that they could be happy when I finally lost all this weight. As I lay in bed I put my necklace, bracelet and ring in my bedside drawer so that it was safe while I slept. As I started to drift off to sleep I dreamt of how I could lose weight faster which instantly I knew I would have to only eat small amounts of food to keep me alive but not enough that'll put on more weight. Hopefully, I'll lose weight fast as I don't like feeling or being so fat.

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