Chapter 11

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Harry's POV:
As I woke up the next morning I was cuddled into two chests which felt amazing and their scents filled the air Lucius smelled of cauldron cakes and vanilla whereas Severus smelled like chocolate and treacle tarts. These are my favourite smells so it always puts me to sleep just within their presence.
"Little one you have to wake up and stop cuddling Sev or he will never wake up." Lucius chuckled from behind me.
"But I'm comfy!" I whined and he chuckled.
"Sweet little one come here." He laughed and I rolled over into his chest as he hugged me into him.
"Sevy time to wake up and have breakfast now!" Lucius called and I heard a groan and what sounded like a curse word. "Hadrian won't give any hugs and cuddles!" Lucius called and I giggled almost instantly Severus jumped up.
"Cuddle monster!" I shouted as I dived onto him and we both fell onto the bed backwards. I heard them both chuckle at me before Severus sat up with me on his lap as I was giggling.
"Morning!" I shouted and they both chuckled at me as I tried to cuddle into them to go to sleep.
"Morning baby boy," Lucius said as he nuzzled my neck and I giggled. I quickly wriggled out of their arms and raced for the door.
"Catch me if you can!" I shouted before running off down the corridors of the manor and I heard them coming after me. As I raced through the manor I reached an unfamiliar door and opened it to see a gorgeous garden that made me stop in my tracks and I saw them stop a few paces behind me. They watched me look around the place in a trance-like state.
"Angel?" Severus called to me but I was too focused on what was in front of me. There were so many different flowers some poisonous and some that were very much alive and moving without assistance which I walked toward. As I reached towards a snapdragon I felt Lucius pull me backwards.
"Careful they'll bite your hand off their names are a warning, not a suggestion," Severus called behind me and I looked down.
"I'm sorry I don't know what happened it felt like I was in a trance," I told them looking down and they smiled at me before lifting me and carrying me back inside.
"That's my garden angel it helps to calm me down after work but you can go see it whenever you want," Severus told me and I smiled and curled into his arms after he took me off Lucius.
"So our date is tomorrow so make sure you're ready by 6 o'clock as we will be out all night." He told me and I smiled at him.
"You're the best mates in the world!" I shouted as I jumped down and started running towards Dray's room before knocking on the door.
"Yes, sweet one!" Sirius called from inside.
"Is everyone decent!" I shouted at the door too scared to open it in case they were not decent.
"Yes, sweetheart we are decent!" Remus called from inside and I sighed in relief before opening the door and seeing Remus and Draco reading with Sirius pouting in the corner.
"Come here pads!" I called and he ran over and hugged me before dragging me to the bed for cuddles as they wouldn't give him any.

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