Chapter 18

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Lucius' pov:
As I stormed to the great hall where I knew the girl would be boasting about the jewellery as it's expensive so she would be showing it to everyone who would look. I slammed the doors open to see the girl sitting with my love's jewellery on her and neither I nor my Ravana was pleased.
"Mr Malfoy, how may I help you?" Dumbledore asked but I ignored him altogether while storming to the girl and everyone knew to move from my way except her brother and the muggle-born girl that bullied my love.
"You never steal from a Ravana!" I growled and she gasped at me.
"I didn't Harry have me thi..." I quickly cut her off with a growl.
"Really because that jewellery is mine that I gave to him so he wouldn't give it away bitch!" I growled as I removed the jewellery and performed a cleaning charm on them before placing them in my robes while glaring at her. She was red in the face while trying not to scream but I saw the light that grew from the teacher's table which I smiled at while bowing my head.
"Lady Hogwarts I apologise for invading the peace of your school!" I apologised but she shook her head.
"Do not worry Lucius I am not here for you. I am here for those who tormented my lord I have only seen his condition deteriorate and I hoped he would improve but it didn't and now he is in life or death because of these three! So as of right now these three will be suspended from Hogwarts for three months each month for a week of torment that they put my lord through and he should be given peace once you return if you are within 10 feet of him outside of lessons then an alarm will be blared until you leave also upon return you are to go to class then return to dorms only places you will be allowed is your dorm, the library, classes and here am I clear!" She stated darkly and as we all heard Dumbledore stand to try question she glared at him which he silenced.
"This is what will happen if this behaviour is repeated they will be expelled am I clear!" She shouted and heard murmured yeses across the hall as she vanished. The three in question quickly left the hall to pack their bags as their punishments start tomorrow.
"Draco he's getting pancakes now and we will make sure he's completely fine! Also Dumbledore he'll be staying in his mate's room your no longer allowed a say in where he stays!" I growled the last part as Draco smiled at me before I left the room and back to Severus chambers. As I walked in I saw Severus put the pancakes on a plate and decided to sneak up behind Hadrian who had his back to me. I quickly placed the necklace around his neck which he screamed as it touched him but quickly calmed down.
"You scared me, Lucius!" He squeaked and I smiled.
"Sorry love!" I told him as I placed the bracelet on his wrist. I started to explain what happened while we ate the pancakes once I finished we had finished eating and decided to head to bed for tonight and all cuddled up together with whispers of I love yous all around and fell asleep.

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