Chapter 1

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Harry's POV:
I've been debating a topic for a few months on whether it is illegal for a professor to refuse to help a student knowing they are going through abuse at home but I am still unsure if it is or not. I have asked a few students and the students have said they are unsure but pretty sure it is illegal to refuse to help. I decided maybe ask Professor Snape as he would know and wouldn't lie to save anyone.
So I walked to his classroom in the dungeons to see if I could talk to him. As I knocked on the door Malfoy walked out of the room and nodded at me with a wink. We have become friends in the last few years from the whole chamber of secrets incident and Ron saying that I was worse than Dumbledore trying to get Malfoy to agree and Malfoy defended me saying that I was far better and just chose to follow the wrong people which was nice and from then we started talking more and it ended up we are best friends. He is mated to my godfather and honorary godfather meaning he is technically gonna be one of my godfathers in the future.
I blushed as he passed as he knew of my crush on Snape and his father as they are so hot but I would never attempt anything as they aren't creatures like me meaning they wouldn't understand me. I heard Snape call for me to enter which I did and stood in front of his desk waiting for him to acknowledge that I was there before I asked him anything. He finally looks up at me and nods.
"Mr potter how may I help you?" He asked in his usual snarky tone trying to get a rise out of me.
"Professor I wanna ask because I know you won't cover for anyone right?!" I asked and he gave me a concerned look.
"Correct I will remain honest even if I know someone will get in trouble why do you ask Mr. Potter?" He asked and I looked at my shoes before returning my gaze to his.
"Professor if a student reports someone or themselves being abused to a professor are they legally required to help or are they able to ignore it?" I questioned and he had a murderous look.
"Who is being harmed Mr. Potter and which professor has been told!" He growled out and it didn't sound human.
"I told Professor Dumbledore and he told me I was exaggerating and I am being abused by my relatives," I spoke in a quiet voice hoping he could and couldn't hear me at the same time. He looked like he was about to explode with anger and I saw his eyes glaze over for a second before they were back to his normal black eyes. The next second Lucius Malfoy was in the room with Amelia's bones. My eyes widened as I realised he was mind-linking which is a creature trait and he stood there looking at me with concern in his eyes.
"Now Mr. Potter you know these accusations you speak are very serious so do not lie!" Madam Bones spoke clearly but firmly.
"Why would I lie with such a thing I know when it's not okay to lie and this is one of them. I've been being abused since I was two when I was five they made me start cooking meals for them even though I couldn't see the top of the oven and many times I got burnt I was doing chores since I could walk. Those are only the minor parts if I messed up a chore or cooking I'd be punished sometimes it was being thrown down the stairs others might have been beaten until I passed out and sometimes it was burning my arms until I couldn't feel the pain. But the sexual abuse started last year which is when I reported it to headmaster Dumbledore and he told me that I probably deserved what I was receiving and rushed me out of his office." I finished and they stared at me in shock. Snape rushed forward pulling me into a hug and soothing me with calming words which made me smile.

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