Chapter 17

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Severus' pov:
Hogwarts started back over 3 weeks and Hadrian has been avoiding me like the plague even in classes he refuses to turn up to my class and if he does he doesn't even look at me. I've spoken to his friends and family no one knows what's going on with him. So I want to corner him as he's worrying me as he's been skipping meals and even Dray said he hasn't come to their room to sleep which is unusual as he used to rely on Dray for sleep to stop the nightmares.
He also hasn't been wearing his jewellery which has me pissed off and worried as if it's something that I did or that he's ashamed but he won't speak to me so I won't know. Dray has called both Lucius and me to my room which is worrying as it's rare he asks for both of us so we are currently waiting for Dray to arrive. As he entered instantly I knew something was wrong by the look on his face.
"What's wrong?!" We instantly asked together knowing the look on his face which he looked down to.
"So I've tried not to jump to conclusions until now so I decided that you both will be able to get through to Hadrian before I will. He has been starving himself because he thinks he's fat I only just realised the reason and I thought his slowly eating less was due to stress and was trying to get him to eat more but the Weasley twins told me that they heard Ron Hermione and Ginny boasting about how they got Harry so self-conscious that he's starving himself and that they stole his jewellery. They tried to speak to Hades but he told them that he wouldn't go see his mates till he was thinner or you would stop loving him. Dad and Papa i dont know what to do he hasn't eaten in weeks only small amounts to keep him alive but not surviving he barely has the energy to walk Fred said someone bumped his shoulder yesterday and he nearly fell from how little weight he has left please save him before it's too late." Dray explained and I felt tears stream down my face as my already thin mate was starving himself thinking he was fat so I decided I would go get him or get Dray to get him to here.
"Dray can you tell him that I need to speak to him it's an emergency please dragon." I told him he nodded and quickly rushed out hoping to find Hadrian.
"He was already so thin he must be like a skeleton by now! How didn't we notice?" I cried and Lucius just hugged me.
"My love we couldn't have known he hid it well." He told me while hugging me after about 5 minutes the door knocked and I called for him to enter. Once he did I saw him look between us and sway slightly.
"We need to talk my love!" Lucius stated with a calming voice and Hadrian nodded fast before sitting on the armchair.
"So a little birdie told us that someone called our handsome mate fat and I wanted to come as my mate is already thin and beautiful so I wanted to make sure he knew that but once I got here I saw my mate starving himself believing the lies of those jealous of his body." Lucius started and Hadrian looked down crying.
"But it's true I feel fat and I hate it Lucius all I see when looking at myself is fat and I can't stop it I just want to be pretty like everyone else but I can't and I don't want you to leave me because I'm not enough for either of you!" He shouted while sobbing and both of our hearts broke.
"Hadrian you know I thought the same way you did about my body when we first realised you were our mate in the first year. I felt like I would never be enough and that I was too fat for you to love me and consider me your mate in the future so I starved myself hoping to lose it when Lucius found out he flipped and I got punished as one of my rules was to talk when something is wrong but I didn't and in turn, I was on the verge of death and only because Draco caught onto what was happening did I live." I told him and he looked shocked at me.
"But you were so thin and beautiful when I was in first year then you became sickly thin that I thought you were gravely ill then you gained weight again." He told me and I nodded.
"If you didn't notice Angel you're going through the same thing I am right now and you have become sickeningly thin that you could be hospitalised," I told him and his face grew shocked.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to I just listened to them and can I eat please I'm really hungry and I won't become too fat will I? If I do will you promise to still love me?" He asked pleadingly and I looked at him with love.
"We will love you no matter what you look like now I'm going to go make you food what would you like?" I asked and he gave pleading eyes.
"Chocolate chip pancakes with smiley faces?" He asked and I nodded at him.
"Deal! Lucius please go get his jewellery and love don't hold back your Ravana!" I called while walking to the kitchen and saw Lucius' eyes turn blood red with hints of black while walking out of the room.

My mates जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें