"If you know what my reward is why not plan to cash it in for yourself?" Kate handed the posters behind her to Alex.

"As you said marines don't really come here so I can't cash in a reward like that. I can't leave to do it either. Besides I rather not turn you in and give the pharaoh more power with a reward like yours." Knightly unhooked the last fleckal and it disappeared into its cage.

"Take it this pharaoh guy is piece of work?" Donner asked.

"You the saw the people being led around by chains right? Those are what he does with people who commit even the smallest crime."

"What's consider a small crime here?" Asked Beda.

"Last one I heard about was some girl stealing a loaf of bread."

Stella looked shocked "They chain you up and turn you into a slave for stealing a loaf of bread?"

"That's how the pharaoh runs things around here. That's why I suggest you guys get your supplies and figure out a way out of this city."

"Got any suggestions?" Worm asked as he admired is wanted poster.

He thought about it before taking another piece of paper out of his pocket and handing it to Kate.

"It's called a Life Race. Basically you get at least two fleckals, a sled with awesome attachments and you got yourself a race"

"Okay but how does that help us?" Beda asked.

"The winner of the race gets anything they want granted from the pharaoh."

I glanced at the flyer "Why would the pharaoh offer that if he seems to be such a controlling guy?"

"Well all the people who enter the race usually have a loved one they want set free from slavery or they want freedom to get out of the city. So the pharaoh doesn't really lose anything by this. Besides everyone bets on a winner while they're watching so he takes a profit from all the bets."

Kate handed him back the flyer "This was in your pocket so I'm guessing you're in the race, what do you want from the pharaoh of you win?"

"I want to be the pharaoh" he folded the flyer and placed it in his pocket. "Why want one slave free when I can just free all of them? I can let people freely leave the city, open the city up for every one to trade supplies. I can do a better job of being pharaoh then that guy."

Confused, I asked "You think he's just going to give you his title?"

"He has to or else his race becomes a shame of an event. No one would want to race if you don't get your prize. No one would bet and he loses his income."

"It sounds settle then" Kate walked passed Knightly and peered into the fleckal cages.

"We're going to enter?" Donner asked.

"Nope" Kate turned around. "We're going to bet all our money on Knightly to win."

I think I saw Alex have a mild heart attack. Beda placed a hand on his shoulder "All of our money? No offense to Knightly but we haven't even seen him race. Besides how does that help us leave this city?"

"None of us know how to lead fleckals around in a race. Besides out there in the desert he pretty much saved our lives from a giant shark by driving one of these."

None of us seemed enthused by this idea.

"Look guys, if we enter the race all we would want is to leave the city and that would take away Knightly's dream."

He seemed surprised when she said that.

"If Knightly wins then we can leave anyway and we would have a huge chunk of change from betting everything on the underdog. It's enough to buy better supplies and more for our travels."

"But wait, you're betting everything on me and you only just met me. Why?"

"Because I don't think anyone else in this city would save strangers from a giant land shark then protect their real identities even though you would end up a slave yourself. You're a good guy, I can tell, besides what you want from winning this race isn't selfish. You have to win because this city needs you to."

Donner slumped to the ground "She's settled on it now, there's no talking her out of it."

I shook my head "You can't be serious?"

"You don't have to, we're here at a city aren't we? You said you'd make your decision to stay or leave once you found a city." Kate crossed her arms.

"Yeah but this city won't even let me leave"

She grinned "Then I guess you got to bet on Knightly to win."

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