"Mon, that's the beauty of love. As much as it will hurt, it will immediately wash the pain away once your love is reciprocated. That's why it is worth the risk. You may not experience it now, but I believe in the future, when Khun Sam finally returns your love, you will be the happiest woman living in this world!" Yuki gives her encouraging words to Mon to boost her confidence.

Mon just laughs at Yuki's exaggeration.

"But, how Yuki? How can I be sure that she will return my love one day?"

"Will you stop loving her now if you know she will not return your love even for one day?"

Mon thought for a while before she shook her head.

"Do you want to stop caring for her even though you know she will not return your feelings?"

Mon shook her head again.

"Do you want to leave her side now after you know she will not feel the same for you?"

And again, she shook her head.

"The answer is within you, Mon. You know exactly that you will not stop loving her even if she does not feel the same."

"Yeah... it's not that easy to get rid of this feeling." She's staring into space after realizing it.

"Look, Mon. You're at the advantage now. You're falling for your fiance, soon to be your wife. You will be bound with her forever if you choose to stay in the marriage. This means you have forever to show your love for her. You have forever to pour all your heart content to her. Even if it takes time, surely your sincerity will reach her one day, Mon."

Yuki can sense the new spirit to get into Mon as the brunette's eyes sparkle with excitement.

"Remember, Mon. She is a human, too. Her heart can change at times. You just have to show who Kornkarmon Patricia Armstrong is and see how long she can ignore your charms" She winked.

Mon smirked. "Yeah, I got this!" A new courage seems to blow into Mon as she utters the words.

"What time is it now?" Mon asked Yuki after they finally managed to stabilize their emotion.

"10:05 AM" Yuki casually stated after looking at her phone.

"Oh-HAH?" Mon almost shouted.

Yuki finally realized something after Mon's reaction.

"Oh shoot!! We need to work, Mon!" They immediately gather their things and get their coffee.

"This is all your fault!" Mon throw her accusation to Yuki

"What? It's your fault!" They are arguing while walking their way to the parking lot.

Luckily, there's not much traffic since everyone is already at their respective office except for these two women. They manage to get to the office faster than usual, although they are late enough. They can just hope that their employees won't take them as an example for their lateness.

To be continued...

P/s: Hello, guys! I'm sorry for the delay. This is a short update only. Another update will follow later to make up for no update last week. 😉
This is Mon's confession after their last date. I hope you enjoy reading and don't forget to leave some comments and vote!

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