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"Good morning, my little princess!" Mr Robert greeted her only daughter excitedly.

"Good morning, Dad." She replied, annoyed with her dad.

"And to remind you, I'm not your little princess anymore! I'm your big, strong woman already." She faked anger while flexing her biceps, wanna prove that she's a strong woman.

Mrs. Pohn let out a giggle, looking at her lovely husband and daughter interaction.

"Yeah, yeah.. whatever..." Her dad replied, rolling his eyes. "But, you still sleeping around your care bears though, so strong of a woman are you?" Mr Robert still didn't stop teasing her daughter.

"Mom! Look at your lovely husband here." She stomped her feet, pointing at her dad while protesting to her mother.

"Honey, please stop. She's on the bridge of tears already." Mrs Pohn warned but still laughed at her husband's statement about the care bears.

"Owww...the strong woman is a crybaby." Her dad is still not done teasing.

I give the side eyes to my dad. I'm so done with him teasing me early in the morning. I pretended to leave the table when my mother stopped me and slapped my dad's arm. I smiled victoriously and raised one of my eyebrows to tease my dad in return. This is how we normally start our morning. We prefer it to be chaotic instead of calm. That's one of the ways to boost our energy before officially starting our day.

"So, my princess, how's your first day as the CEO? Did you manage to seal the deal?" My dad asked and stared at me curiously. So does my mother.

As a parent, they are excited as their youngest already entered a new chapter of her life. It is exciting as their first time sending their daughter to school. For them, their children never grow up. They will always be a baby to them.

"No..." She faked crying. "You know what?!..." She rants to her parents about everything that had happened on her first day as the CEO. Her parents listened to her attentively. "So unprofessional of her mum, and she's not even replying to our email!" she scoffed.

"Mon... It's not fair to just simply judge her. You even haven't met her yet" Mrs Pohn defended the other CEO. "Moreover Mon, there's a lot on her plate. Just let it slide this time. I bet she didn't mean to be late"

"Yes Mom, that's the tradition in business. Everything has no meaning if you get all the deals easily. Everything needs time, and you must be patient for it." Her dad added.

Mon frowns, listening to her parents backing up the other CEO. "Do you guys know her personally? Why are both of you defending her and not your daughter." Mon pouted.

Her parent looks at each other before answering their daughter. "Of course, we know her Mon, personally and professionally. She's Anuntrakul."

Both Anuntrakul and Armstrong used to do business with each other. But, that was a long time ago, before the heart-wrenching accident that cost two innocent lives in Anuntrakul. After that, they just focused on their own business. Now, their respective kids are continuing their legacy and thriving for the future that awaits them. Pohn and Robert are looking forward to their collaboration since it's been a long time, and they are excited to witness the new beginning of the new generations from both families.

"Wait.." Mon remembered something. "That means she is the granddaughter of Grandma Tassawan, right? But, I never heard of her. I thought there were only Phi Neung and Phi Song?"

"That's because....you never meet her Mon. You were only 2 years old when the accident occurred to their parents and Sam was just 8 years old." Mom looks down at her hand. Her heart wrenched, remembering about that.

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