We found one matching fingerprint. His name is Thomas Holt and he recently just got out of jail about several months ago. It's up to you if you'd like to press charges. Even if you do we have no lead on his whereabouts or if he's armed or anything so what I suggest is that if you see him contact me immediately." The police officer explained.

"Understood but no I'd like to not press any charges officer." I told him.

I just need to find the guy and see what kind kid connection he has with AJ. I don't want to get myself involved with law and court. Right now my main focus is to get Genesis back on its feet again.

"Ok but remember to hesitate to contact us"

I nodded my head

"Thanks for calling me down to the station I really appreciate that officer."

"No problem" he replied

I exited the station then put Kya on speed dial

"What's up Genie?"

"Kya they just called me down to the police station. They said a man named Thomas Holt broke into my apartment. You think you can find him for me?"

"Yeah I think so"

"Ight cool I'll send you his picture"

An incoming call interrupted the current call. No Caller ID.

I heavily sighed

"Kya gimme a few mins snd I'll call you back" I told her

"Mhm" she responded before I ended the call and answered the other call.

"We just landed"

"Ight I'll meet you in twenty" I then hanged up the phone.


"Daddyyy!!!" Zay run into my arms.

"Hey lil man" I lifted him off the ground

"I missed you so much. Why did you leave me and mommy?"

"Zay you don't just run off like that. Somebody could've ran you over mi amor."

"Hey how are you doing?" I gave Valentina a side hug.

"Buenos dias papi chulo"

"You booked a hotel yet?" I asked her

"You wanted me to come here so you should've had it booked already."

Fair enough

"You have a place no?" she raised an eyebrow."

"Yeah but Kya is here to visit so she staying in my spare room."

"Ooh ok" Valentina nodded her head.

Even though Kya was staying with Trinity and I indeed had an empty spare room, I just couldn't afford her staying with me right now. It would cause a lot of confusion.

"So what? you fly us out here all the way from New York so we could fend for ourselves in a new city. Ain't gonna work with me"

I smacked my lips

"Ight you know what I'm renting out an air bnb for an event but you guys could stay there in the meantime." I told her

"Ahora estamos hablando" she clapped her hands giving me a bright smile. "I'm still waiting on our suitcases an–"

"How much luggage did you bring?" I cut her off

"Not that much just a couple suitcases plus Zay's stroller." she told me.

"Ohh ok" I nodded my head

We waited about fifteen more minutes until Valentina finally got their luggage's and helped her bring them to the car.

"Daddy I'm hungry can you buy me some food?" Zay asked as I strapped him into the car seat.

"Yeah we could stop by your favourite place" I told him.

"Yayy!! I'm getting McDonald's" he sung which made me chuckle a lil bit.

"Just give us a minute to put the suitcases in the car then we can get you some McDonald's" Valentina spoke.



Don't come for me y'all, I used google translate for the Spanish💀

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