chapter seven

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Ever since school ended the 5 had taken time to themselves they hadn't hung out for a month atleast that was untill RING RING
"hello?" Sage says
"hey sleepover at my house this weekend" Lizzy says
"oh yeah I'll be there" Sage says
"cool see ya" Lizzy hangs up

Frankie and Zayden walk up to Lizzys door and knock Ezra opens it
"Hey the twins finally showed up" Ezra says letting them in
"Hello to you to Ez" Zayden says
"yeah hey" Ezra smiles zayden and her hug before in joing the others who were attempting to bake a cake in the kitchen "Holy shit what happend in here?" Zayden says looking at the mess of random cake ingredients everywhere and lizzy covered in flour "ah hey guys we juts thought it would be fun to bake a cake or atleast try to it was sages idea" lizzy says "hey can you two go find some towels or something we really need to get this mess cleaned up" Sage says "there's some in the upstairs bathroom" lizzy gestures towards the stairs the lesbians nod walking up the stairs "so what have you been doing all this time?" Ezra asks zayden shrugs "annoying the fuck out of fran" zayden jokes making Ezra laugh zayden watches intently if there being honest ever since that day at the lake they haven't been able to get Ezra out of there head and they most scertinly can't get the feeling of ezras lips and theirs out of their head either zayden knows what tjis means but they won't admit it not even to themself zayden didn't even notice they had zoned out Ezra patted there shoulder gently getting there attention "Hey zay your worrying me is everything okay?" Ezra asks frowning concerne laced in her voice zayden just stares into her ocean blue eyes not knowing how to respond "zay?" She says again zayden moves closer to her clearly not thinking straight or nit thinking at all Ezra doesn't move though and she doesn't push zayden away why? She didn't know either zayden is so close she can feel there breathe against her lips "ezra..." they whisper something about the way zayden says her name makes her shiver "z please" Ezra didn't know what she was asking for but zayden delivered eliminating the gap between them softly kissing ezras pink lips Ezra kissed back wrapping her arms around zaydens neck they made out for a good 5 minutes before Ezra broke away pushing zayden off of herself as she realized what was actually happing "zayden! Oh my shit holy fuck you- no no" Ezra panics "ezra-" zayden says trying to grab her arm "no shut the fuck up i- this. Whatever you think is happing isn't happing" Ezra says "Ezra, por favor lo siento por favor!" Zayden says as Ezra runs down the stairs zayden feels the water works comeing Sage had been asked to go check on them after they'd been gone for awhile Sage saw Ezra running down the stairs in a panic and was confused untill she saw zayden on the verge of tears "woah what the fuck zay? What wrong what hapend Sage asks "La jodí Ezra ella yo joder ella yo joder" zayden says Sage frowns hugging the now crying zayden whenever frankie or zayden gets really upset they basically forget how to speak English because there first language is Spanish so it's better if they calm down before attepming to talk to them "zayden calm down please? I cant understand you" Sage says zayden nods trying to recollect themself thru inhale sharply before whiping there tears away "I'm in love with ezra...." they say "what!?" Frankie says making both of them look towards the top of the stairs seeing none other then Frankie standing there zayden starts crying again " zay cálmate está bien estoy aquí cariño" frankie says running over to zayden "So let me get this straight your in love with Ezra and have been for awhile and you two just made out but Ezra freaked out and ran?" Sage says zayden nods meanwhile

Ezra had ran into the kitchen where frankie and lizzy were having a casual conversation they both turned to the panicked pink haired girl "Hey where zayden?" Frankie asks Ezra doesn't know what to say "Ezra let's sit down and talk okay?" Lizzy says Giddings her to see down on the couch well frankie goes upstairs to make sure no ones dead and or dying "Hey talk to me what happend?" Lizzy asks Ezra sighs "me and zayden just had a little tussle is all" Ezra says and smiles reassuringly at lizzy who frowns "if you say so why though? You seem like such good friends" lizzy asks "Yeah good friends. Um I guess they just don't want me ask you out! Yeah I told them I wanna gonna ask you to go on a date with me and they freaked" Ezra says lizzy is surprised "oh well I'm straight Ezra and I'm very sure of it" lizzy says Ezra frowns "come on just yhsi one date and if you really dont like it I'll back off I promise....please?" Ezra says lizzy sighs and smiles at her friend "Alright fine but you promise to back off if I reject you?" Lizzy asks Ezra nods "what the fuck." Ezra and lizzy turn there heads seeing Sage zayden and frankie standing at the bottom of the stairs "Hey is zayden okay?" Lizzy asks getting up and walking over to them Ezra slowly following avoiding looking at zayden "Yeah I'm fine uts cool let just bake that cake" zayden says walking back to the kitchen "I'll go actually get those towels..." Ezra says going back upstairs thr other three lokk at each other confused

"So are you really going to go on a date with ezra?" Frankie asks "hm? Yeah why is it a bad idea?" Lizzy asks Frankie shrugs "I mean i know she's not the type to do anything bad it's just do you like her?" Frankie asks lizzy shakes her head "no im positive I  don't like her and I'm like 93 percent sure I'm not into girls" lizzy says frankie nods "just be careful" frankie says lizzy nods as they continue to stargaze they both couldn't sleep so they decided to go outside and watch the stars frankie hated how much he cared about lizzy he liked her. He wanted her. But she would never want him does she even like trans guys? Would she ever like me? Frankie sighs turning his head to look at lizzy her green eyes sparkling as she watched the stars he smiled

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