chapter five

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-Break up?

Date: 11/5/2024
Location: School

Words: 572

"Hey hot stuff what cha doing?" Ezra asks sitting next to Lizzy at there usual lunch table
"hm? Oh um just some homework" she answers Ezra still hasn't given up her relentless flirting which is getting absolutely no where considering half the time Lizzy doesn't even notice it "Hey where's the two lovers?" Zayden asks Ezra shrug
"making out somewhere atleast that's what they said" Lizzy answer's Zayden nods
"we should-"
"Do not finish that sentence I would like to keep my lunch in my stomach thank you" Zayden says Lizzy laughs just as Sage and Frankie come back from where ever they were but something is off.

"Hey Lizzy can I talk to you? Girl to girl you know?" Sage asks Lizzy nods also feeling a little on edge at the mention of gender they were both on break at the momen
"um sure but why me what about ezra? Or Zayden while I guess Zayden isn't a girl but they'd probablygive better advice then me" Lizzy asks "while Ezra isn't good with stuff like this and we'll it's about Frankie or more so our relationship and I don't think talking to his twin would be very helpful" Sage says Lizzy nods "while I've only ever been in one relationship so I'm not very good with stuff like this ethier" Lizzy says Sage sighs
"well I don't really like love Frankie I guess or like it feels more platonic I mean I've honestly never really felt like romantic love for anyone and I kinda always thought I was aroace and then at some point I guess I always just like platoniclly loved Frankie and then he asked me out and I just kinda said yes but now that our relationship has progressed a lot I'm realizing the feelings I have for him aren't romantic and I kinda told him that earlier and I don't really know where to go from here I guess" Sage says Lizzy takes a second to process all the information she was just given and thinks
"well I would say first figure out your feelings towards him like be really sure of them and if you do not want to have a romantic relationship with him then you need to break things off but as of right now you should tell him that you want to take a little break from the relationship" Lizzy says Sage nods
"thanks your a life saver" Sage says Lizzy smiles
"thanks" She says.

Frankie and Sage sit by the creek watching the small rives flow Sage sighs
"Okay let's get this over with I'm aroace and I don't have romantic feelings for you anymore I'm honestly not sure if I ever did but I don't want any like beef between us I just want to Be friends still" Sage says Frankie nods
"honestly I don't think I ever had true romantic feelings for you ethier it was more of just being a horny teenager mixed with just being attracted to you" Frankie admits
"Oh so we're cool then?" Sage asks "Yeah we're cool" Frankie says
"Can we make out one last time tho?" He asks
"did You really just ask me that?" They say
"Yes?" He says confused
"Fucking autistic whore" she says shoving him slighlty and laughing he smiles
"I love you"
"I love you too dumbass".

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